215. I, Réalta Geal Stark...

65 8 54

MAY 31, 2020 — WAKANDA — RÉA

I wake up early, too excited to sleep any later.

'I'm going to marry Bucky today!'

I do a happy dance then slip quietly out of bed, careful not to disturb the sleeping women on the roll-away beds.

Before our game of Scrabble, I had popped into the en suite for a quick shower; when I emerged, clad in my pyjamas, I was glad to see that my friends had also changed into theirs. After our game, we settled onto our beds—well, I'd joined Shuri on her roll-away—and had a marathon of all of the rom-coms while we did face masks and painted our nails.

I tiptoe to the small balcony, quietly slipping outside. The sky is still dark, the air is warm, and it feels very peaceful. I inhale deeply, breathing in the quiet of the early morning, though it does nothing to dull the excited joy inside me.

"I'm marrying your dad today, Mac Tíre Beag," I whisper as I place my hand on my lower stomach. "He's the best man—the best person—I've ever had the privilege of meeting, and he loves me and you so, so much. We're so lucky to have him." I feel tears prick my eyes, and I let them fall. "He's made my life so much better, just by being him. I can't wait for you to meet him. I mean, I can, because you have a lot of growing left to do...I just...he's so compassionate, and patient, and kind, and he has so much love to give...he's going to be the best dad to you, just like he's going to be the best husband to me."

I fall silent, just enjoying the peacefulness; the sun is just starting to rise when I hear the balcony door open and close, followed by soft footsteps.

"Good morning, beautiful bride," Nat settles next to me on the outdoor sofa, laying her mobile on the coffee table. "Too excited to sleep?"

I nod. "Yes. And I'm also kind of nervous." I sigh. "I know Bucky loves me, and that he wants to marry me. It's just...." I trail off.

"It's just that this is incredibly special, and important. It's okay to be nervous...honestly, I think you being nervous is just a reminder of how much this means to you. If it didn't matter, you'd be cool as a cucumber."

I mull her words over for a few minutes. "You're exactly right, Nat. Thank you."

"To quote you: 'that's just part of being a good friend'," she grins at me.

We lapse into comfortable silence, watching the rest of the sunrise; suddenly, my stomach growls, the sound echoing in the quiet.

"Sounds like my little nibling is hungry," Nat laughs. "Do you want anything special?"

I shake my head. "Just food. Although I wouldn't say 'no' to a—"

Nat's mobile buzzes; I see Steve's name on the screen.

"Sorry, one sec.... Hey, Steve, what's up?"

"Can you meet me in the hall?" I just barely hear him ask.

"Yeah, I'll be right there." Nat hangs up. "I'll be right back, and then you can tell me what you wouldn't say 'no' to."

She darts inside, leaving the balcony door ajar. I hear the main door of the suite open, and the quiet whispering of her and Steve before the door closes again. I hear her footsteps returning, but what really grabs my attention is the delectable aroma wafting in the air.

'That smells like...no, there's no way....'

"Well, breakfast is here, courtesy of your fiancé." Nat places a large tray on the coffee table; I see that it's loaded with dishes, including a teapot and teacup, a glass of what looks like cranberry juice, silverware tucked into a cloth napkin, a bowl of fresh fruit, and two plates with....

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