Chapter 9

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I am fucking late, the first day of classes and I am fucking late. Running down the hall towards the lecture hall gripping onto my bag tightly and praying I don't spill any more of my coffee "Hold the door" I yell at the last guy walking into class, once those doors are closed, I can't get in and I cannot miss my first lecture of my course. The tall blonde turns to look at me, I skid to a halt miraculously saving my coffee and not slamming into him "Late?" He asks, "Just a tad" I joke, he smiles making his blue eyes crinkle slightly "Thank you" I say following him inside the almost full classroom, we sit together on the front row. The professor begins his introduction the moment we sit down not giving us any time to say anything else to each other.

The lecture was pretty simple, not that there was a lot to explain from the first one except the professor's expectations, assignments and a very brief introduction to the module we are about to learn "I'm Derek" the blonde says finally introducing himself now that everyone is practically running out of class, he has his hand out and I take it into mine "Vanessa" I reply "You came all this way just for College?" He asks noticing my accent "Yeah, I had this whole dream of working for the FBI. Criminal profiling to be exact" I reply as we head out of the room "That *chuckles* funny you say that, it's exactly what I'm going for too" he replies "Coincidence?" I ask, "Or fate?" He adds, I chuckle "Little bit of both?" I joke and he smiles

"Our next lecture isn't for another hour; do you want to grab a coffee?"

"Yeah, I need one considering I spilt half of mine trying to make it here on time"

We walk to the nearest coffee shop on campus "So, Vanessa, what else is there to know about you?" Derek asks "Depends what exactly you want to know" I reply. My phone vibrates "Sorry" I apologise reaching for it in my pocket "No, please, go for it" he replies

Unknown: don't you remember what I told you about getting involved with other guys?
Me: You are not the boss of me
Unknown: unless you want to be responsible for that guy's death, I would leave.
Unknown: I am not joking.

I put my phone back in my pocket "Boyfriend?" Derek asks "No, I don't have one" I reply with a small smile "That is good to know" he adds with a cute smile of his own showing off the dimples I hadn't realised he had "So are you going to the bonfire on Friday?" Derek asks, "I am" I reply "Can I accompany you to it?" He asks, his fair cheeks reddening ever so slightly "You can" I reply. My phone vibrates again but I ignore it. Derek and I have our coffees before heading back to our next lecture together. He is sweet and nice; I hate that pissing off my mystery biker is so fun but I am willing to call that stupid bluff of his.

By the end of the day Derek and I have exchanged numbers "I will hold the doors for you if you're late again tomorrow" Derek winks as he walks off towards the boys' corridor, I laugh shaking my head "Trust me I won't be late that way every again" I reply heading my own way, he gives me a short wave.

"Who's the hottie?" Scarlett asks linking arms with me, I reign in my jump when I hear her voice instantly relaxing "That right there is Derek, he saved me from being late, bought me coffee and asked to accompany me to the bonfire Friday" I say smiling through every second of it "Cute, you should definitely stick to being attracted to hot blondes instead of a creepy stalker" Scarlett jokes and I shove her over slightly "I am not attracted to the creepy stalker, I was intrigued nothing more" I reply and she wiggles her eyebrows "look I get it I'm a dark romance girly myself, if Billy Loomis showed up at my door I wouldn't exactly turn him away but this is real life. It's some serious shit, you can't let yourself be hypnotised by the romanticism of violence that should remain in books" Scarlett rambles on "Don't lecture me after you yourself had a whole secret romance with your dangerous brother's best friend" I reply

She purses her lips "You have a point" she replies

"Of course, I have a point, darling, but it does not matter. Biker guy is probably just a guy who has read one too many books and is in dire need of a good night of real fucking sex. For a guy to be this crazy, he has to be going through a dry month"

Scarlett's laugh echoes through the entire corridor as if she physically cannot control herself "You're fucking foul" she says through each breath of laughter but I just smile innocently at her. I will not admit to her that I do in fact get excited over this so-called creep, that I desperately want to know what he looks like underneath that helmet, how badly I want to know the rest of the features that go with those beautiful fucking eyes and if he is as good as he seems. I haven't seen much beyond that leather jacket, but it says enough, the rose tattoo on his hand leads to a lot more. The muscles you can see are visible even through his clothes. It leaves me wondering so much, fantasising over a man I haven't even really seen, and would he actually hurt Derek? All of it so he can have me all to himself. That's borderline psychotic and yet - "I think I've lost you" Scarlett says moving in front of me, I blink twice before returning my attention to her.

"Are you thinking about Derek or Biker Creep?"



"Okay, I am thinking of both. To be entirely honest I am a little bit afraid for Derek"

"Why would you be? You just stated that the biker is probably just a horny asshole"

"Yeah, but what if he isn't?"

"He is, shit like this doesn't happen that often around here. What do you think he's going to do? Kill a guy just because he actually approached you instead of stalking you like a coward?"

"That is true, you're right."

"I am right"

I laugh at her as we enter our dorm room, Zola is sitting on my bed eating a bag of Cheetos while reading one of my books. Icebreaker to be exact "This is pure porn, come on it's been like 20 pages and he's on her knees giving her a mind-blowing orgasm?" Zola states as her way of saying hello. I purse my lips "I probably shouldn't have left that specific one out huh" I say with a nervous chuckle "It's a good book" Scarlett agrees dropping her bag and plopping down on her bed "It is" Zola adds, I nod "so how was your first day?" I ask them both "Boring" They reply in perfect unison as if it were something they've practiced "Yours?" Zola asks "Not bad" I reply my mind drifting to Derek.

I grab my toiletries and a change of clothes before heading to the communal showers ready to just read for the rest of the day.

Unknown: I'll give you one last warning, Sweetheart, ditch the blonde.

I roll my eyes at my phone.

Unknown: the only way I want to see your eyes roll is when I'm balls deep inside you.
Me: Fuck off
Unknown: What a beautiful dirty mouth you have
Ditch the blonde or your hands will be stained with his blood.
Me: Am I supposed to be impressed by petty empty threats?
Unknown: I guess you'll learn the hard way.

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