Viva cuba

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Amelia's pov

"Hey, guys, you're in luck. I finally found a vintage store that had a chair that matches your dining set. Oh by the way happy birthday Ami " My dad said, making his way into the Alvarez apartment

I'm finally 14 Alex turned 14 and he's been making fun of me all month

"Thanks dad" I whispered, every one is well aware that I don't celebrate my birthday so

"Why do we need an extra chair?" Penelope asked

"It's not really extra. There's six of us." He said putting the chair down at the table

We all gasped, at the message on his T-shirt

"I know. It's not a perfect match. But it's hardly the sorest thumb in this room." He said

"Not the chair! What the hell are you wearing?" Penelope asked

"No seriously dude ." I added

"Oh. Che Guevara? Yeah. Viva la revolución, am I right?" He said, m not understanding they weren't happy with it

"You are wrong." Lydia snapped with a small glare

"Do you have any idea." Alex started

"I got this. Do you have any idea..." Elena said with a louder tone of voice

"Kids, relax. Do you have any idea what this comemierda did?" Penelope asked, before picking up where her kids left off

"Grew an awesome beard and modeled for T-shirts?"
He asked

"Oh, Wow dude seriously dad." I said, shoving my face into Alex's shoulder. He rubs my head in return

"First of all, He wasn't even Cuban!" Penelope began the family rant

"He was Castro's right hand man." Lydia continued

"He burned books. He banned music. He personally oversaw execution squads. He was a mass murder." Elena said

"But..he has a cool hat." My dad  whispered

"It's like if you walked into a Jewish home wearing a Hitler shirt." Penelope compared

"Or into Taylor Swift's home wearing a Kanye shirt." Alex said

"Mmm not sure that's on the same level, sweet boy but okay" I said, causing Alex to blush at the new nickname

"Oh, my god! You guys, I am so sorry! I had no idea." He gasped taking off his shirt

"We forgive you, Schneider. We know that sometimes you are a bobo and don't know what you're doing." Lydia said hugging him

She started rubbing his bare chest, I laughed shoving my face back into Alex's shoulder.Everyone else uncomfortablely shook

"Okay, now I kind of miss the shirt." Penelope groaned


Later at night

I snuck into Alex's room

It was later than usual due to my new dance classes, but I will always make time for my Alex

"Alex wake up" I said, pushing his shoulder causing him to jolt

"Ami,it's one in the morning I've been waiting" he said pulling me practically on top of him

"I know, I didn't get out of dance until 11:50.... I sorry sweet boy" I whispered, making Alex blush and pull me in tighter

"I like the new nickname" he whispered back kissing me on the lips

"Alex, I have to tell you something" I said tearing up scared for his reaction

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