No mass pt 1

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Ami's pov

"Alex wake up you have to go back to your room"I whisper while playing with his hair

The alarms went off 10 minutes ago

"Why I don't wanna it's too early five more minutes" he said putting his face into my neck

"You said that 10 minutes ago come on before your mom goes to check up on you and realizes your gone"

"Let her I don't care I'm tired and it's not like we haven't slept in the same bed before" he say kissing me lightly on my neck

Woah that's new

"baby we can't then your mom and my dad will get mad and set boundaries and would probably take the doors off their hinges"

He gets up from my bed and covers me again with the blanket making sure I'm tucked in

"Sleep Chiquita you still have an hour" he says kissing my cheek

"Now I don't want you to go" I say that's not really why I'm upset

I'm probably just tired

And I want him to kiss me on my mouth

"I'll come wake you up I promise" he says with a chuckle

I yawn a little bit smacking my lips together

"Sleep my sweet baby I'll come back" he says walking out my window

And he did that how I ended up here right now

Pen is putting a picture of the pope in Lydia's room

"Oh. Oh, what's that, Papa? Are you lonely? You wanna be with your friends? Bueno, Juan Pablo y Benedicto te están esperando. Oye, mira eso.He looks happy there"

She walks toward her room and Lydia sets a picture of the pope on the counter

We all laughed


Later at school Hugo said the most half assed apology I've ever heard

I'm sorry you felt uncomfortable he said and then walked away

Who tf

And Alex is talking to this girl named Anna
And I don't like her

Do I know her not really

Am I jealous of her yes

She's gorgeous and she's literally everything I want to be

Plus she's talking to Alex MY best friend

She's playing with his hair too

I walk up to him

" Hey it's Amanda right?" She says I know she knows my name

I've  had a class with her at least every day for the past 5 years

"It's actually Amelia but it's fine" I say with a fake smile

"Hi Mi amada how's your day so far" Alex says paying no attention to Mrs.perfect over here

He pushed some on my hair out of my face and kissed my forehead

Ha take that  Anna

"It was good but I got an A- on my test so it kinda ruined my a+ streak" I say fixing the hair that "Mrs I don't know your name" Messed up

"It's okay to get anything below an A+ for once" he says kissing my cheek

Anna's just staring at us

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