The death of Mrs.Resnick

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Amelia's POV
"Mom, I'm gonna miss the first pitch. Go faster!" Alex groaned

"Alex, you know Mrs. Resnick doesn't go faster. Unless we'r going downhill, then she might not stop." Penelope sighed

"We are so late. Just try." He said slouching further down into his seat

I held on to Alex in fear of crashing

"Mom, I smell gas." Elena said

"All right." Penelope nodded

"Is that the one I bought you ?" I asked, slightly sniffing the air

"Yeah and now it smells like Hawaii" She smiled

"Maybe the car's mad because papi stuck it with a name like Mrs. Resnick." Elena joked

"You know your papi named her after a hot teacher he had a crush on." Penelope informed her kids

"Our science teacher is pretty hot." I said

"Yeah, but by now I bet Mr. Resnick's traded her in for a younger model." Alex said

"That's not funny papito." Penelope snapped

"It's not funny. Society treats middle aged women shamefully. I read a study online-" Elena started, prepared to go on a full on rant

"Okay, who wants to hear some tunes?" Penelope interrupted

We all groaned, as she began to play a sappy love song.

Penelope smiled at the song choice and began to sing along. Elena grew annoyed music and paused it.

"Aw, right before the good part." Penelope complained

"There is no good part." I commented

"That CD has been stuck in this car my whole life." Elena said

"Uh, excuse me? It's a cassingle." Penelope said, offended by Elena's words

All of a sudden the car began to make sounds started slowing down

"Why are we slowing down? Who turned on the AC?
You know Mrs. Resnick can't handle that!" Penelope freaked

"I'm sorry, but it's 90 degrees and you won't let us roll the windows down." Elena apologized with a small sigh

"Because then they don't go back up. And it's only a crime to leave children in a hot car if it's parked. I looked it up!" Penelope continued to rant

The car stopped on the side of the road

"Great. Okay, guys. You know the drill." Penelope spoke

We all held hands in prayer, while Penelope tried to fix the car the broken down car. She turned the key in the ignition and the engine started.

"See? Mrs. Resnick's still got it." Penelope said

The engine sputtered one last time before it finally died out, with no chance of starting it up again.

"It's probably 20 minutes until the tow truck gets here. So, what should we do to pass them time?" Penelope asked

While still holding Alex's hand I put my head on his shoulder and try to nap


When we walked into the Alvarez apartment to find Lydia on the couch with a face mask on

"Oh, hello." Lydia greeted

"What are you doing, Mami?" Penelope asked with a small laugh

"This is supposed to make your skin glow. It's called a shit mask." Lydia said

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