Sex talk

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Amis pov

Alex and I walked into the Alvarez apartment after school, to find everyone staring at us with creepy smiles resting on their faces.

Huh that's weird

"Why is everyone staring at us?" I asked, feeling awkward

"Is there a bug on me?" Alex asked, freaking out

"I hope not" I said stepping back a bit

"No, papito, you are bug free and perfect as always." Lydia sighed

"Yeah. Stand there, so I can always remember you this way." Penelope continued

I furrowed my brows and went to the kitchen table to look something up on Alex's computer.

"Wait!" My dad  shouted, reaching  out in attempts to stop me

I opened and it but slammed it closed as soon I saw what was on it. I backed away

"OH MY GOD. My eyes need to be bleached or carved out that's fine too ." I cried

Alex looked at me confused

"Finn sent me a video to check out. Can I have my laptop?" He asked, pointing towards it

"No!" Everyone shouted, simultaneously

"You really don't wanna do that sweet boy" I said hugging him

"What's wrong? Does it have a virus?" He asked, beginning to worry about his laptop

"It is sick. Yes." Lydia commented

"Is anybody going to tell me what's going on?" He asked

"Yeah, l'm out." Schneider said, rushing towards to apartment door

"Yeah can't be late to dance bye ." I added, following after him

"Yes, I should probably go, too." Dr. B agreed


Later the next night my dance class had been canceled so I'm chilling with Alex waiting for pen to come  back

"Guess what? Josh's parents? Home. You got fed bad intel.You gotta step up your gossip game, son." Penelope snapped at a scared looking Alex

"Oh...Yeah. It's turns out it was Josh B's parents who were out of town, not Josh F's." Alex said

"You didn't think to text me that? You know I always have my phone on me." She sighed

"Unplug, Penelope." Schneider said on his phone from his spot at the kitchen table

Elena walked in looking furious, just as Penelope had done earlier.

"Hey. You're back early." Penelope said

"Yeah. I left because I was embarrassed. Everyone was talking about my mom, who ran over the mailbox to bring me a jacket." Elena snapped

"Sounds like you got a pretty cool mom." Penelope said,

"Look, I am sorry. But we do need to talk."
"Oh, about what?" She asked

"Here. You're gonna want this." Alex said handing her a blanket and putting it over her head

"Why does everybody think I'm cold?" She asked throwing off the blanket.
She ran to her room and Penelope followed her.

I laughed and told Alex I was going to sleep

Today was exhausting



Sorry I just really didn't want to write this episode

But I promise the other chapters will be longer

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