𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 10

190 4 1

The room Y/n sat in was massive, even managing to have space for a small group of people holding classical instruments performing, though nobody acknowledged their presence.

She almost didn't notice them, if it weren't for her looking around anxiously.

They were playing complex songs, but despite that, they were in harmony, they seemed to have been playing for a while.

Faint droplets of sweat trickled down their focused faces collecting into their eyebrows. They'd been putting so much emotion into their music, it was a shame nobody paid them any mind.

While she was trying to still her shaking hands that sat under the table she didn't notice the soft hand that was placed on her shoulder.

Raising her eyebrows she looked over coming face to face with Carrie's eyes.

Quickly removing her hand Carrie nervously laughed and did a small head nod worried about making Y/n uncomfortable over the small physical action.

"Oh, sorry, yes?" Y/n questioned.

"Oh, I was curious if you happen to know how to ball dance?" Carrie questioned avoiding eye contact and looking down at the table while still facing Y/n.

"Yeah totally, Ive done it a few times, and you?" Y/n replied.

"No, I've only ever seen it in movies," Carrie said sheepishly.

Y/n thought for a second. "Maybe we should try it sometime, that'd be fun," she said as she looked off in thought not being able to see Carrie's jaw practically drop onto the table.

Y/n quickly began to notice how more people entered the room gradually over time, but there still was a big sum of people who'd been missing from the seats that decorated the table.

She guessed a majority of the residents wouldn't eat in the dining hall, they didn't seem the type, which was evident based on the interaction she had with the two men from earlier.

Her back still ached from earlier when she took that tumble down the stairs, she could have gotten seriously hurt, fractured skull, broken neck, you name it.

He didn't even have the nerve to ask if she was fine, what a prick Y/n thought to herself.

It made sense to Y/n that these people lived in the middle of nowhere, they were a strange bunch that lacked basic social skills, and they couldn't last a day around people such as her family Y/n thought.

Or maybe she was just being stuck up, she was only used to being around pricy fancy people, it would be favorable for her to get on the people she now worked for good sides.

Which most likely meant no more being a nosey Nancy and snooping around sticking her nose where it didn't belong.

The table was now semi-full, dinner must be soon, it was smart that they'd decide to come right before the actual meal part of the dinner to avoid socializing.

But unlike the residents of the mansion, she didn't have the pleasure of doing that due to the fact she was technically hand-picked out of all the workers to come to this very dinner.

Speaking of the residents Y/n pondered what the dynamic was here.

She highly doubted the people of this estate treated each other like family or even roommates at that. If they had the same mentality they had toward her there was no way they all got along.

And by the looks of it, they weren't some sort of big family that all happened to live alongside each other either.

A maid slowly maneuvered over to the hall door as if they were attempting to be stealthy, trying to be not noticed, which was strange.

Yes, Y/ns family didn't exactly want to see their maids either but that lady just seemed, off.

Her eyes were sunken in, with eye bags that favored a panda. She seemed to have lost every ounce of melamine that could have been in her body, being sickly pale, the type of pale you'd be before throwing up or worse.

Besides that, she seemed well put together, her hair was slicked into a ponytail, not a single stranding poking out, and wore a crisp well-ironed uniform.

The lady widened both doors open reaveling more workers pushing what seemed to be little carts with plates of food on top of it.

She could smell it through the gold covers on top of the plates, it seemed everything in this house was gold, they weren't very silver folk.

Y/ns mouth would normally be watering right now if it weren't for the idea of having to clean up after the cook's mess invading her thoughts.

As the workers piled in with the carts holding the food so did the man previously referred to as Hannibal.

He had a small smile on his face, though his facial expressions were very subtle in Y/ns opinion he seemed almost, mischievous?


Sorry, I have been slow on updating, I've just been really happy about getting out of an abusive relationship, I feel like a little animal let out of the zoo or something. Also I've been replaced so fast, but of a carbon copy of me, it kinda weirded me out, but now I just feel bad for her, I wish her the best:3

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