Y/n Snape

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You had always grown up with the Slytherin friend group since you all were sons and daughter of deatheaters. Pansy, Draco, Theodore, Tom, Alexander, Mattheo, Lorenzo, Regulus, and Blaise are all apart of that friend group. You all had eachothers backs since you all grew up around eachother and all went through your ups and downs together. You mother had died when she gave birth to you and Snape is overprotective of you. You play guitar and your best friend is Pansy.

For years all of Hogwarts had feared you and your friend group and had bullied you guys until you snapped back and now you are well respected. Voldemort sees you as his future deatheaters and hold you all to a high standard. He has rules for each of you that you find your way around but you always have deatheaters around where ever you do as protection. You all have trained for hours in need on how to fight when you were younger.

You all went through everything together. To learning your first spells and potions to learning how to fight by death eaters. Tom had always been the one who watched over you with Theodore's brother Alexander he was off in a mission for Voldemort with Regulus Sirius son and some other deatheaters. We all were worried about him anxiously waiting for him to get back.

You all are part of the wealthiest families in the Wizarding world that's are highly respected among everyone.

Y/n POV Present Day

"Father please let me go I won't bother you again," I told Snape at the dinner table.

"y/n you can't go it is too dangerous we have been over this," He said in a cold yet sincere tone as he looked at me.

"Father I am 14 and everyone else is going why can't I" I told him.

"Y/n there will be millions of people there going to watch that game. You can't go. That's final." Snape said.

"You can't do that to me father I have always respected your wishes and followed the rules and I have always listened to you. Just this one time I want to go out with my friends." I told him as I set my fork down next to my plate pleading with him.

"y/n enough," He said he picked up his cup and drank his water as I looked down in anger.

"Just one night out is all I ask father," I told him looking into his eyes trying to get through him. I could tell his mind was set.

"Goodnight father," I said as I excused myself from the table. I went up to my room. I turned on my electric guitar and started play it. I turned up the volume on my amp and started to play loud.

"Y/n!" I heard my dad yell from downstairs but I kept playing.

"Y/n snape turn it down or I will take it away!" Snape yelled as I kept playing.

"y/n may I come in I wish to speak with you," I heard father Snape at the door.

"Come in the doors are unlocked, "I told him while I stopped playing and sat on my bed.

"y/n I thought about it and to me I just don't want you to get hurt. Get some rest." He told me I looked at him with disappointment in my eyes.

"Father please." I told him as he started to get up.

"Head to bed y/n it's getting late, "He told me as started to leave my room.

"Goodnight father." I told him. While grabbing my phone from the side of my bed.

"Goodnight y/n," he said closing the door behind him.

I opened my phone and went into my groups group chat and started to text that I wasn't able to go and sent it.

Are you serious you can't go? -pansy

You can't even go for a hour?- Theodore

Sneak out it's not that big of a deal- Draco

That's a horrible ideas draco- Blaise

Y/n don't sneak out.- Tom

We will send you pictures y/n- Lorenzo

I'm sorry guys but he wouldn't budge I really tried and I'm not going to sneak out- y/n

We will tell you how it goes y/n- pansy

Great thanks.-y/n

Y/n come in don't be like that.- Lorenzo

I put my phone in dnd and yes I was upset I wanted to go with all my best friends to watch the quidditch match of the year. Why couldn't I go because I could get "hurt". Yes that makes me mad.

I cleaned my room in anger as I just tried to relax while spiraling in my head about how unfair it was and how I should have went. During this process I heard glass breaking downstairs and people barging in.

"Dad!" I yelled as I opened my door and ran to my fathers room while turning off the lights with my wand.

"Y/n stay calm and go to this address now." Snape said giving me a book with a marked page with an a dress on it.

"Who are they what's happening?" I asked them as I heard more things breaking and people yelling.

"Where are they!" I heard someone yell from downstairs.

"Go y/n." Father told me as he grabbed the floo powder and moved me towards his fireplace.


"Go." He said as he put the floo powder in my hand as I dropped it and ended up in malfoy manor.

"Oh y/n what's are you doing here?" Narssica had asked while walking by.

"Cissy someone broke into my house and snape sent me here." I told her scurrying towards her.

"Oh no." She had said as she went straight to her house phone and started to call someone.

Y/n SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now