Hospital Wing

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I woke up at 1 am feeling the pain running through me as soon as I woke up. I started breathing fast as i felt someone grab my hand. I turned my head and saw it was regulus.

"It's ok it's ok your ok. Madam Pomfrey!" Regulus yelled as he tried comforting me as I started crying while he wiped my tears. Madame pomfrey rushed in with another women they pushed regulus away and closed the blinds at the started to give me a potion while it relived my paid they started to move the setting in the machines they had me connected to.

"Hang in there," madam pomfrey said as I started to feel lightheaded. Everything went black.

Regulus Pov

I was outside the blind anxious walking back in fourth when all of a sudden I heard a dead line my heart dropped. I heard Madame pomfrey talking and rushing through the blinds.

"No please no." I said while my heart was pounding through my chest i went through the blinds as more nurses came in.

"Get him out." Madame pomfrey said as two nurses Bergen pulling me out. I looked at y/n she was pale and her lips were blue.

"No no!" I yelled as the nurse pushed me out of the blinds and closed the as they took me to the waiting room and sat me down.

I couldn't stop thinking about her how could this happen I picked up my phone and called the friend group people started to pick up as I was breathing hard and fast.

"Regulus what's wrong." Alexander said through the phone.

"Y/n she she-" I was saying I couldn't talk it's like all words left my body.

"Where are you" Tom said

"What about y/n!" Pansy said.

"Is she ok?!" Draco said.

"We will go to you." Lorenzo said

"Where are you." Theodore said

"What's going on I just joined?" Blaise said

"Something with y/n" mattheo said.

"Hospital wing now." I said as I was trying to collect myself.

"Oh shit." Theodore said as I hung up.

Several hours passed by and everyone is around y/n she is stable now and we are all worried about her as we saw her slowly wake up.

Y/n pov

I woke up and looked I've rand saw everybody was here looking at me.

"Oh y/n how do you feel?" Pansy said looking at me.

"I don't feel good pans." I told her as I coughed.

"We're all here for you y/n." Lorenzo said.

"I can see that Enzo." I said as everyone laughed.

Weeks have gone by and cormac has ghosted you completely and won't answer any of his texts that you had sent him. You and Regulus had gotten a lot closer and your starting to see him in a different light but don't know if he thinks the same. That was until you all were at great hall.

"Snape is kinda cute." Mattheo said as I almost spat out my breakfast as everyone laughed.

"Excuse me?!"I said

"Your excused." Pansy said as I slapped her arm

"That hair does look good." Blaise said

"Snape is definitely snaddy right?" Theodore said

"Oh yeah." Mattheo said

"Definitely"Alexander said

"What?!" I said feeling so grossed out

"Like don't people want to fuck the shit out of him" Draco said

"Ew Ew Ew!" I said while covering my ear and shaking my head

"I do." Lorenzo said shrugging his shoulders

"Lily does." Theodore said

"Lily does not." Regulus said.

"That was the problem." Pansy said as I rolled my eyes

"Anyways pancakes or waffle!" Draco said

"Pancakes" Alexander said

"Waffles." I said.

"Pancakes" pansy said.

"Pancakes"mattheo said

"Waffles" Lorenzo said

"Pancakes" Theodore said

"Waffles" Tom said

"French toast." Blaise said

"That wasn't the qeustion." Tom said while Draco started going in a pancakes is better rant while everyone was bickering. I was just silent listening

"Y/n I don't know why you care so much." Draco said

"Above pancakes and waffles-" regulus was saying when I cut him off

"Why do I care so much?! Did I say a fucking thing?! Why do I care so much?! You just went in a fucking three minute rant about how much you care! I was actually listening to you all and not saying a thing! Tomorrow we will wake up there will still be waffle there will still be pancakes and there still will be French toast and why do I fucking care to much?!" I said as everyone started wheezing as I was annoyed when I felt a tap on my shoulder and the whole table went silent within a second.

"Hey y/n can we talk?" Cormac said as I turned around.

"Your kidding right?"I said as he looked at me.

"Please can we talk." He said as I got up and regulus grabbed my wrist.

"No she can't." Regulus said.

"You can leave cormac." Pansy said as she was trying to make me sit.

"Let go. I'm going to hear him out." I told them as they let go.

"Let's go to the library it's more private there." He told me as I nodded my head and left with him to the library. When we got there we went somewhere to sit as he looked at me.

"Listen y/n I'm sorry for not answering or talking to you." He told me as I saw him look down and he was just staring at my boobs but I ignored it.

"Your fucking kidding me right." I said looking at his eyes making him look up and meet my eyes.

"Look y/n I mean it I'm sorry." He told me as I heard people walk in. His friends came in and we're behind him.

"What is this?"I told him as he looked at me.

"They just wanted to listen don't mind them." He said as he looked down again at my boobs I slapped him across the face.

"Are you fucking kidding me your disgusting mclaggen if you think I'm ever going out with you again!" I yelled at him. His friends moved closer as he put his hand up.

Y/n SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now