Your not mad right?

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I walked into Dumbledores office and sat down at his desk as he looked at me and sighed.

"Miss Snape what did you do now." Dumbledore spoke when Snape walked in he looked at me and I knew he was mad.

"Professor Moody was teaching us the three unforgivable curses and when he got to the cruciotus curse Neville Longbottom was barbered by it and Hermione had told him to stop and-" I was saying

"That's enough y/n." Dumbledore said opening his book and grabbing a quill.

"She had an outburst on him." Snape told him I looked at him and he just appeared different to me.

"Y/n we at Hogwarts are kind and humble and we respect others and others with authority." Dumbledore said.

"I know Headmaster and I'm terribly sorry for what had happened but-"

"No buts y/n you will do well remembering what I had said you may leave." Dumbledores said

"Yes Headmaster." I said getting up and leaving while snape followed behind me. I walked out and kept walking.

"Y/n Anne Snape. Get back here right this instant." Snape said making me stop in my tracks as I turned around and looked at him.

"Father I haven't seen you in weeks and yet you show up now not a letter or text to me you didn't even know where I was at staying because I couldn't go back home." I told him as he looked at me.

"Y/n I was planning on texting you and Narcissa told me you were with her but that is no reason to be having this outbursts. You are set to high standards as one of us. Especially as the Slytherin princess. Don't pull this again. And get all your friends in line." He scowled at me as he walked away. I put my head down as I took a deep breath.

I lifted my head back up and started walking back to the slytherin common room as soon as I went in I saw everyone sitting on the couches waiting for me.

"An outburst." Tom said looking at me.

"I don't want to hear it you all got into a fight already this year." I said while sitting next to pansy.

"Y/n that's completely different." Lorenzo said.

"You shut it. It was his fault I didn't do anything wrong." I said. I know that was a lie and yes I was in the wrong but still how could they accuse me out of everyone.

"Whatever y/n." Blaise said getting up and leaving with Draco.

"Oh come in now guys." I said while tom and Theodore left.

"I have potions works to do y/n in the library if you want to do it together you can find me there." Mattheo told me as he left.

"I'll catch you later." I told him while it was only lorenzo me and pansy left.

"Well y/n besides your rude comment you have an admirer." Lorenzo told me.

"What?" I said.

"Mclaggen he want to see you at the court yards apparently." Pansy told me.

"Cormac why?" I asked.

"We don't know we tried to figure it out but his intentions but we really do think he just wants to go out." Lorenzo told me while getting up.

"We didn't tell the other but we just wanted to tell you." Pansy said and Lorenzo left and it was just me and her.

"Are they really that upset with me?" I asked her.

"Y/n trust me you do not want to know why they are all upset it's not about you." She told me while making me sit down next to her.

"Why are they upset then?" I asked.

"The Dark lord he heard about the triwizard tournament and he wants to crash it. He is making us do his dirty work this year. And we're not even official deatheaters. You just causing a scene was a good way to cover it up without telling you." Pansy explained.

"What. Why wouldn't you all tell me." I said.

"I told you they didn't want to because quite frankly you are on edge about everything and your uptight y/n that's why me and lorenzo want you to go see mclaggen." She told me she said it sincerely looking into my eyes.

"I haven't been in edge have I? And besides that why would the other care if I went out with him." I said.

"Y/n today you defended someone you don't even talk to that's not you you looked for a fight and your just not the same recently regardless they would care because they are like family to you that's why and and Enzo kept this to ourselves now go mclaggen is waiting in the courtyard." She told me making me get up.

"I'm really glad to have you pansy." I said while standing up and heading towards the door.

"Have fun y/n and I'll see you later in our dorm." She told me and I walked out and headed to the courtyard.

I saw Cormac sitting on a bench he saw me and waved me over. I walked over to him as I sat next to him.

"Hey Y/n." He said looking at me.

"Hello Cormac I heard you wanted to talk to me?"I told him as he smiled.

"Yes actually I just wanted to get to know you more I actually really admire you y/n since I saw you in the train today." He told me while I felt myself blush.

"Well there isn't much to know about me Cormac" I told him as he laughed looking down then looking back up into my eyes.

"I think there is behind your beautiful mysterious eyes." He told me while touching me hand as I felt my cheeks turn red.

"Why thank you for your comments Cormac." I told him as he smiled at me.

"Any time would you like to take a walk?" He asked me as I nodded my head.

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