Defense Against The Dark Arts

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The train had arrived to Hogwarts when we had all noticed a pirate ship from Drumstrang Academy. We saw the other schools arrive and continued to walk in not giving to much attention to it. We all sat down at the slytherin table as we heard people whispering about us I smiled and stood up as the other looked at me.

"Oh wow not even an hour Pansy and everyone already loves us here!" I said sarcastically as pansy stood up smiling.

"Wow don't they just really want our photos and autographs!" She said all perky as everyone turned away and silenced for a moment while we sat down. Everyone started to chatter again and it wasn't about us this time so we let it be.

"Attention everyone is Year our school will be hosting a legendary event the Triwizard tournament now for those of you that do not know the Triwizard tournament brings together three schools to compete in a series of magical contests from each school a single student is picked to compete and let me be clear if chosen you stand alone and trust me when I say these contest aren't for the faint-hearted but more of that later but now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons academy and the headmistress madam Maxine"Dumbledore announced

Girls in blue uniforms started performing I smiled they all looked beautiful they were performing their magic when they finished Dumbledore started announcing things

"Now for our friends from the north please welcome our proud friends of Drumstrang academy and their headmaster Igor KarKaroff" Dumbledore announced

Boys came in doing their magic and doing tricks with fire and their canes Krum walked in he winked at me.

"Viktor Krum winked at you y/n and your not fainting," Draco said.

"Draco spare me will you just wait until he finds out I'm Snapes Daughter." I told him.

"Yeah your right y/n no one is gonna date you cause of your father." Blaise said

"Shut your mouth will you no one was talking to you," I told him.

"y/n stop it," Draco said as we started eating after they sat down.

"Your attention please I will like to say a few words, internal glory that is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard tournament but to do this the student must survive three tasks three extremely dangerous tasks for this reason the ministry to seen fit to impose a new rule to explain all this we have the head of the department of the ministry Mr. Bartamous crouch-"dumbledore was saying the roof started going thundering I looked to see if anyone was going to do anything about it. I rolled my eyes and took out my wand and casted a spell to make the clouds go away.

"Y/n stop." Pansy said as I put my wand away everyone stared for a second then moved on.

"The ministry has concluded no student under the age of seventeen can participate in the tournament, "Barty senior said everyone started booing I was annoyed at everyone for being so foolish.

"Silence! The goblet of fire anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament needs to write their name upon a piece of parchment and place it into the goblet of fire." Dumbledore announced and dismissed us all we all left and went to classes.

My first class was Defence against the dark arts with Theodore and Draco.

"When it comes to dark arts I believe in a practical approach but first who here can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are"moody asked

"Three Professor," A Slytherin boy said from the back of the class.

"Use any one of them you get a one-way ticket to Azkaban correct the ministry says you are too young to see what these curses can do I say different you need to know what you are up against so which curse will we see first nott!" moody yelled making Theodore jump up

"Yes sir," Theodore said as he jumped up me and Draco held in our laughs.

"What's a curse" moody asked

"The um Imperio curse," Theodore said

"Good good," he said grabbing an insect

"Imperio" moody said making the bug do whatever he want everyone was laughing as he made it go around the room everywhere he made it go back to his hand

"Loads of witches and wizards claim to do you know who's bidding under the Imperio curse another another"moody said people raised their hands. I didn't want to support this on a poor insect

"Ahhh Neville what one" moody said

"The crucio curse, " Neville said my heart sank I felt eyes on the back of my head staring at me when I turned around I saw a boy whispering about me with a ginger boy. I turned back around and looked straight ahead.

"Correct crucio" moody said the insect was screeching those screams reminded me of the scream in riddle manor in the basement. I saw Neville's face he was hating every second of that I could tell.

"stop it can't you see it's bothering him stop it!" A girl yelled.

"fine then miss granger care to tell us what the last curse is," Moddy said as he brought the insect close to her and place it on her book. She shook her head no.

"very well then," Moody said as he pointed his wand at the creature.

"she said no or are you deaf and blind," I told him

"excuse me what's your name girl," Moody said.

"y/n, y/n Snape sir, "I said looking at him he drank something from his flask it smelled like a poly juice potion I knew a lot about potions thanks to Snape.

"Snapes daughter eh, Make sense why you hate this class it shows," Moody said.

"How about you shut your mouth," I said while getting up from my chair.

"How dare you speak to me like that!"Moody yelled in my face I didn't flinch I just looked at him dead in the eye with a cold look on my face.

"What are you offended by a few words," I told him. I heard someone laugh but I ignored it.

"Go to dumbledores office now!"He yelled.

"Gladly," I told him as I grabbed my things and started walking to dumbledores office.

Y/n SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now