Goblet Of Fire

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It was the next day and I had missed the meeting from last night but I was informed they had chosen me to be in the triwizard tournament as my task. In order to throw everyone else off. The dark lord trusted me with this task and to survive the tasks in the tournament.

I don't trust myself at all with this tournament. Everyone was concerned for me but I still kept my head up knowing I can't disappoint him.

"Earth to y/n!" Pansy said as I went back into reality.

"Yes pansy?" I said while sitting up from my bed.

"Come on we have to go see who gets picking for the tournament." She told me as I got up from my bed and followed her to great hall.

We were all sitting together when Dumbledore walked up and dimmed all the candles around us.

"Now the moment you have all been waiting for the champion selection!" He said while touching the goblet and stepping back everyone was silent as the flame from the goblet went from blue to red as a piece of parchment flew out.

"The Drumstrang champion is Viktor Krum!" Dumbledore said as his schooled cheered.

"The Beaxbatons champion is Fleur Delacor!" He said as her school cheered.

"The Hogwarts champion Cedric Diggory!" He accounted as everyone from our school cheered we just clapped at our table.

"Excellent now that we have picked our three champions! But in the end only one will go down in history and only one will hoist this vessel of victory the triwizard cup!" He yelled as the cup was shown to everyone on display when the goblet started flaming red again and going crazy.

When suddenly two pieces of parchment had came out and Dumbledore grabbed them he had a shocked facial expression as he read them.

"Hardy Potter and Y/n Snape!" Dumbledore yelled as pansy looked at me with the rest of the group they nodded their head as I got up and walked down.

Harry joined me as I heard people heckle at us while we stood next to the other champions.

"What did you do snape." Harry said.

"I didn't do anything." I told him as he looked at me he was furious. I looked over at dumbledore as he looked confused and mad.

"Everyone dismissed your five to my office now!" Dumbledore yelled as everyone left. The four other champions and I went to dumbledores office and waited there for him to arrive.

The teachers began to come in bickering and yelling.

"Y/n! Did you put your name in the goblet of fire!" Snape yelled at me.

"No father I didn't." I told him as he grabbed me.

"Are you absolutely sure!" He yelled.

"Yes father." I told him.

"Y/n look at me I am your father did you put your name in!"he yelled.

"I didn't father." I said pleading with him as he let go with me. I saw Dumbeldore yelling at Harry asking the same thing.

"Well of course they are lying!" Madame Maxine said coming in.

"The hell they are! The goblet of fire is a exceptionally powerful magical object only an exceptional powerful confundus charm could have hoodwinked it magic way beyond a fourth year!"Moody yelled.

"Do not call my daughter a liar." Snapes snapped at him.

"You seem to have given this a lot of thought Mad eye." KarKaroff said to him.

"It was once my job to think as the dark wizards do perhaps you remember." Moody said

"That doesn't help Alastor!" Dumbledore yelled

"We leave this to you Barty." Dumbledore said.

"The rules are absolute the magic of fire contains a binding magical contract. They have no choice. As of tonight they are a triwizard champion." Barty said as everyone turned to us.

"This can't be right." Harry said.

"Father please do something." I told him as he looked at me.

"You two leave now." Dumbledore said. As me and hardy left quickly out the office when we were walking down the corridor he pushed me against a wall and put his wand up to me neck.

"I would think twice before doing this." I told him as he dug his wand into my neck and I slid mine down my robe into my hand.

"You put me in this and you know it." Harry said holding me down with on hand on my shoulder and the other one holding the wand.

"I did not do you really think I would be this foolish that I would end up in it to." I told him as he pulled away from me putting his wand down.

"I'm sorry y/n I don't-" he was saying when I punched him in the nose and kicked his leg as he he fell I used my other foot to kick his face. He mouse and nose had blood in it leaving blood on my hands and shoes.

"Next time remember who you are talking to potter. I might be nice but that does not mean you can cross me understand." I said crouching down as he groaned on the ground and grabbing the collar of his shirt.

"Yes I'm sorry." He said as my face grew cold.

"DONT ever cross me again potter." I told him as let go of the collar of his shirt and banged his head against the ground he grunted as I got up from kneeling and walked down the rest of the corridor. When I got to the corner I looked back at harry trying to get up as he was bleeding.

"Have a good night potter." I told him while I left to the common room. When I got to the common room tom was there he looked at the blood on me .

"Who." He said.

"Potter." I responded as he grinned.

"Is that why your neck is red." He said.

"Yes but don't worry I'm fine it's his blood." I told Tom as he laughed and got up he briefly touched my shoulder and left the common room behind me.

"I'll do the rest." He said coldly before he left.

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