Pacifism really sucks, TBH

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Author's Note: Triple tildes indicate time skips

"Welcome to Maridun!" "Are you sure you don't want my help fighting Hondo?" "Civilians don't get to fight. That's why we're dropping you on a neutral planet. The Lurmen will take you in." "Neutral planet?"

When Texar arrived on the almost deserted surface of Maridun, he immediately spotted the large circle of complete barrenness. Every bit of life - the greenery and the animals - had either left behind their gruesome charred corpses or deserted the area entirely. It was as if the circle was purposely marked to be inhabitable. Continuing along the path with your clone trooper escorts, you made out a few silhouettes of ovate straw structures. Wow... Am I being abandoned to live with these primitive life forms? Texar couldn't help but look on with disdain. This planet, though in the middle of a galaxy of advanced technology, like cloning and holograms, was very behind the latest breakthroughs.

"Welcome to the village!" An unenthusiastic voice called out. "I am Tee Watt Kaa, chief of the Lurmen." "I'm Texar Blu. Pleased to meet you, boss." "Wag Too will show you around the village. Wag Too, meet Texar Blu." Wag Too shook Texar's hand, and gestured for Texar to follow him. "These are our huts. We prefer to keep them simple to ward off Separatists and the Republic from trying to colonize us." Wag Too's voice sounded bitter, as if he wanted to interact with such factions. Damn it. Texar was also very unhappy. He was hoping to be dropped on a planet that would encourage him to go to Coruscant. Coruscant is going to be a long way away now... I want to be near Ahsoka. And these monkeys aren't helping in the slightest.

"Well, do you want to have relations with the Republic?" Wag Too looked a little hopeful, but quickly quelled his impulses. "Our chief strictly wants us to remain neutral. We don't want to be part of a war." Texar had a slight twinkle in his eye. "But is that what you want?" "Well, of course I want to stay out of the war. But a while ago, Separatists attacked our village and attempted to destroy all of us, for no reason. It came down to Jedi, who were there by chance and good fortune, to defend us, until finally I led a group of Lurmen to help. And now, there is still a possibility we'll get attacked, simply because Chief Kaa is too traditional." 

Texar internally danced. This was his chance to rally some Lurmen to his side, so he could go to Coruscant. "Well, from one neutral civilian to another, I think we should form a party - a political party - and outvote your chief and get some protection from the Republic." Wag Too paled. "Are you insane?! We can't outvote the chief!!!" "Didn't you disobey him to defend the village?" Wag Too thought about it. "Fine. But we have to somehow gradually transition into a more democratic government before performing our..." Wag Too paused to think of a fitting word. "Coup."

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