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Texar was burning up. The body bag that Ahsoka was having one of the nurses carry out of the hospital, to the morgue, was making him claustrophobic. Oh well. This was the best solution. Ahsoka hurried back to the hospital after repeating the instructions to the nurse for the third time. This better work. Good luck, Tex. Texar could hear Benthol's suspicious interaction with the nurse.

"Who died?"

"Oh, I'm not sure. Let me check the label. 'Raptor Fallicus', it says. Cause of death: suicide."

Benthol's gaze softened, since, as I've said before, it was a touchy topic. "Oh. Carry on, then. Give me condolences to the family."

"Tell him they died from suicide as well and you're bringing the rest of the bodies!" Texar hissed from the small opening in the bag. "Unfortunately, his entire family also killed themselves. I'm bringing the rest of them later." Benthol could feel tears welling up in his eyes.

He hurried back to his speeder and drove home, overcome with emotion. This was too much for him to take. I'll arrest the kid later.


Texar was now in the morgue. He cut open his body bag, and jumped out. Clang! Ow. He hit his head on a ledge of corpses above him. This is the morgue. Texar scoffed at the poor facility. He expected this to be much more clean and orderly for such a powerful planet, but it was the opposite. One would think this was on the planet Geonosis, from the sand scattered all over the floor, the bodies thrown on shelves lazily, and the scribbled, illegible names for each dead person.

Forget that. I need to get out of here. Texar was not happy. If it wasn't for Benthol and his relentless need to prove himself as a good cop, he could've carried on with his day-to-day. Why was Ahsoka with him again? Ah, right. The investigation.


He found the exit. It was a very inconveniently placed, obscure path. Moss grown from the inexplicably disgusting ground clouded the way, and slush was omnipresent throughout the facility. When Texar got out, the sun hitting his eyes was like candy after weeks of salt doses. Ahsoka was waiting for him, impatiently. "What took you so long?"

"Ha! You should see it in there! That is the worst, most horrible place I've been in. They didn't even label the exits! Thank god I'm out!"

"Yeah, thank god! I was about to leave you in there!"

She grinned, and Texar flashed a smile. "Shall we proceed to the investigation, darling?"

"Shut up, Romeo." (I don't think Romeo & Juliet is a canon event in Star Wars, but whatever)

Ahsoka was blushing, but Texar was squinting towards where the Sun was glaring from, so he didn't notice. He jerked his head towards the prison where the Senate held high profile criminals and those that were going to stand trial. "Race ya?"

Ahsoka smiled. "Loser has to buy drinks."

Texar scoffed, and innocently frowned at her. "Drinks? We're underage, how could you think of such a terrible thing?" He changed his frown to a grin. "Joking. You're going to pay a lot of money to the bartender." They began sprinting there, with Texar and Ahsoka oscillating between winning and losing, extremely arbitrarily. At one moment, Texar might be a few feet ahead, but just a few seconds, Ahsoka would overtake him. While in the lead, Texar yelled at her, "So what does the Jedi Order do if you form attachments?"

"Expel you!"


She paused, and stopped running. Texar followed suit. "I... think that's it."

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