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Texar was beginning to see why being a Senator wasn't the most appealing occupation to your average person. Thousands of hardened, prone-to-arguing adults just raising their hands to show their assent and grumbling in unison. The only fun they seemed to have was making fun of new Senators. In this very unique situation, Texar happened to be the newest Senator. He was able to chuckle off a joke in a group of more experienced people (it was important not to come off as bad-tempered and mess up all opportunity for connections), but it really was irritating when the former subjects of a running joke decided to chime in against Texar.

The only Senators that seemed to be on Texar's side were Senator Amidala of Naboo, who became a sort of mentor for him in his journey as a Senator, Senator Onaconda, who had become much warmer to Texar now that Padme had vouched for him, and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who had taken an interest/likening to Texar's ambitious spirit. But the real issue out of all this was the rampant, outspoken Anti-Cloning Committee. Led by a Senator from Jakku, Tel Kidor, who seemed battle-hardened and bitter about anything and possibly everything, the Committee spent every session grilling other Senators until they got a "yes" to stopping the war.

Texar hated every second of these meetings. He had come to Coruscant as a Senator to meet Jedi and do other Republic stuff, not discuss and vote on boring issues like stopping the war. Much to older Senators' amusement, Texar gave off a very bloodthirsty aura. In the wise words of Chancellor Palpatine, he "was better off as a war general than a Senator". But after months and months of agonizing torture listening to old people reminisce about the old days, and vote based on their inability to adapt to a changing world, Texar was finally chosen as a key senator in negotiating treaties and overseeing the war.

And it was then that Texar was finally able to speak with Jedi and discuss war strategies. He was nothing short of a military commander other than in title and in that he didn't go out to fight or lead troops. One day, he was invited to be present at a meeting of the Jedi Council, which was to hear key information about a Separatist droid factory that had just began construction on Geonosis. But whatever was said in that meeting didn't register with his brain at all. As Anakin Skywalker spoke about his findings and investigations, Texar was staring at Skywalker's apprentice - "Padawan", was the correct term - and making eye contact here and there.

As the other Jedi spilled out of the room, Ahsoka and Texar were left in the room alone.

"Do I know you from somewhere?"

Texar knew she would find his face a bit familiar.

"It was a while ago, but do you remember when you were tracking Hondo and his pirates? And you came up on a cave, rigged to explode, that had a chained up prisoner inside?"

Ahsoka's brow furrowed, and then she showed surprise on her face. "I do remember! That was you? Why didn't you tell us you were a Senator?"

"I wasn't at the time. I decided from then to try and get to Coruscant somehow."


"Well..." Texar didn't know how to change the topic, so he came up with some fake reason. "As of then, I don't like pirates, so what better way to fight them than from the Republic?"

"That's the dumbest reason I've ever heard. I'm a Jedi, remember? I can use the Force and get the real answer from you."

Texar went a little pale. What if she was telling the truth? She would see his real reason, and what if she didn't reciprocate those feelings? However, he put on his facade and stayed true to his confidence. "Go for it."

Ahsoka concentrated, reaching out her hand towards Texar's face, and then giggled. "Seriously?! Of all the reasons, that was why?!" Texar was speechless, and chose to shrug. Maybe she got the wrong reason-- "You thought I was cute and went across the Galaxy as a Senator to try and meet me?!"

"Well... Yeah?"

Ahsoka began blushing a lot, but quickly shook it off. "Too bad for you, Jedi aren't allowed to have attachments." 

Texar stared at her. "Seriously?" Texar slapped his forehead and Ahsoka giggled a little. "Damn. Well, friendships are allowed, right? Are you telling me you Jedi can't even be friends with each other?"

"No, of course not. I think we can be friends."

"For now," Texar added with a wink as he left the room. "Just wait, baby."

Ahsoka gave him an air kiss, jokingly. "We'll see."

Author's Note: Sorry if the title was misleading, this isn't the last chapter. It's just to say that finally, Ahsoka and Texar are meeting again.

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