Judgement Day

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Texar needed to find a Jedi. To warn them. This was a disaster of epic proportions. He grabbed the holocron, trying to contact Anakin. Sparks flew out, and it crumpled in his hands. "Shit!" He sprinted out. The jail was here, meaning that the Senate building was... 20 clicks diagonally. Texar could feel the nostalgia of the rush, on his first time coming to Coruscant. He had had to take the fastest route to make it in time for the Senate meeting. Texar was feeling slightly nauseous. What had happened? Was it the bottle of liquor that Texar couldn't resist in the cell, or the death sticks that had stuck out of a prisoner's pocket? Must... warn. Jedi. His eyes drooped, and he vomited. No. Not now. Please, god, not now. I can't... His eyes shut and he passed out from an OD, on the speeder while it was flying rapidly towards the Senate building.

Crash! The glass pieces zinged once again across his face, cutting it and spilling drops of blood. Everything was coming full circle. He was back where he began. Only, instead of Senators being in the room, they were preparing to jury over Ahsoka's trial. Sprawled across the floor, he was completely knocked out, subconsciously cursing himself for being such an addict.


He woke up to the splash of water on his face by a friendly face. "Padme! Is Ahsoka's trial still on?"

"Yes. It's about to begin. I was going to represent her, but I was thinking that you might be a better fit for this one."


"The prosecutor is Admiral Tarkin. He's stubborn, and ruthless as well. Only an equally stubborn person is going to do well against him."

"Ah. Alright, have you prepared Ahsoka's story?"



Texar walked into Ahsoka's cell. Clones blocked it, indicating he couldn't go in. "I'm her representative for the trial, idiots."

They let him through.


"Tex? But I thought Padme was my representative."

"She asked me to go instead."

She grumbled. "She think I'm guilty as well? A lost cause?"

"No. I'll tell you why. And she knows this." He stared at her earnestly. "I will not let anything happen to you. I'll win your trial. And I'll make sure Tarkin looks like he's talking out of his ass. I love you far too much to let you die. And even if you lose the trial, I'll bring hell to break you out."

Her eyes were about to tear up, and she stepped forward and kissed him on the lips. She could still taste the party. "I don't even care at this point. The Jedi abandoned me."

"When this is over, you want me to deal with the Jedi?"

"No. Let them stew in their loss of another Jedi."

Texar's mind felt a pang of necessity to say something. "I know who the real Jedi behind the bombing was! It was bar- ba- bar- Fuck. I forgot the name. Know any Jedi whose name starts with 'bar'?"


Texar's eyes lit up. "Yes! That's the one! She did it. I saw her."

"What? But Barriss is my--"

"Friend. Some friend you got there. She did it. No further questions, I saw it."


The trial room was packed with Senators, most of them glaring at Ahsoka, but some sympathetic ones. They were all murmuring, trying to either convince someone of their argument or use this opportunity to try and rally other Senators to whatever Committee they were part of. The Supreme Chancellor stood up tall in his box, wearing silky red robes. Guards took Ahsoka and Texar onto a platform, which then floated out to the center of the room. Another platform, about 5 meters to the left, floated out as well. Tarkin walked up, glared at Ahsoka, and looked at the Chancellor to start the meeting.

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