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The Senate was, as usual, murmuring about some Senator or another, or some Jedi or another. Gossip truly was the nature of all government officials, at least on Coruscant. What was it this time? A Senator was busted with 6 grams of death sticks? Texar asked Padme.

"Tel Kidor apparently bought 2 million credits worth of nano droids using Republic funding, without even asking or voting on it."

"Ha-- What? What are nano droids?"

"Extremely small devices that can be remotely controlled, often used for bombs."

"But he's a pacifist. Why would he order weapons? That contradicts his entire Committee's ideals!"

"That's the hot topic for discussion. Also, it's a crime to do what he allegedly did, so he's now standing trial."

Texar narrowed his eyes. "Allegedly? You don't think he did it."

"I find it highly unlikely, yes. I think he was set up, but I don't know how to prove it."

He thought for a second. "It is unlikely. I'll ask some people to check it out." His mind landed on Ahsoka. Imagine that. He and Ahsoka, teaming up to investigate a mysterious bomb plot, alone. Most definitely alone. Perfect. I'll go ask her. Texar left the Senate room, trotting down to the Jedi Temple to seek an audience with the Council.

On the way, Texar looked around, his mind distracted with other things. Where to start? I'm not very friendly with Kidor, and I don't want to be. He might start trying to rope me into his stupid Committee. He groaned. This was exactly the type of twisted, self-absorbed mindset that most other Senators would have. Always scheming, looking to get the best deal out of everything. This was a man - an innocent man, most likely - who, despite some of his flaws, was standing trial for a crime he didn't commit, most likely. Alright. I'll get Ahsoka and we'll question Kidor.

The stairs to the Temple were egregious. Possibly the most villainous thing to ever exist in the Galaxy. I'll bet the Sith Lords have elevators. Maybe I should go join them or something. Texar groaned again, not wanting to walk up and stress his quads. He began taking a step. Then another. He counted as he walked, but before he knew it, he was at the top. He was so startled by this revelation, that it wasn't that bad, that he lost count.

Shaking his head, he jogged towards the Council room to entreat them to lend Ahsoka to him. On his way, he saw a cloaked Jedi brandishing a glowing, azure weapon. It was rounded towards the tip, where one would expect a point or a sharp edge. The metallic hilt looked like a complex engineering marvel, with the lines and ridges sprinkled all over, making it comfortable to hold. Texar had heard of the legendary Jedi weapon, the lightsaber, but this was the first time he had the chance to see one in person. He wanted to get a closer look.

"Nice lightsaber you got there."

The Jedi whirled around, clearly startled by the sudden voice, which, even more surprisingly, didn't come from a fellow Jedi. Texar felt a twinge of guilt. Maybe he should've knocked first. Whatever. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you. Just wanted to get a look at it. First time seeing one, and all."

The Jedi calmed down. "It's no problem. I was just a bit surprised. Here." She reignited the blade, and held it up to Texar's face. He could feel the heat radiating off the glow that shrouded the core of the lightsaber. It was the perfect distance from him to not scald his skin, but not be so far as to barely be felt. It was like the Sun looking down on him on a beach on Naboo. It was a great memory for Texar. When he would get knocked out or pass out, drunk, in the night, he would spend the morning reeling from the hangover. But the afternoons were perfect. The nice, hot weather easing whatever pain he felt. The perfect therapy.

"It's beautiful. I'm Texar. Here on important Senate business, and whatnot."

"You're a Senator? Aren't you a bit young for that?"

"Woah, calm down there! I'd say we're about the same age!"

She laughed. "Well, I'm Barriss. Barriss Offee. Here on... important Jedi business?"

Texar grinned. "Well, I gotta go." He put his hand up to say goodbye, and turned around, slow enough to see a bag with small black objects spilling out. What were they? No matter. He had to go fetch Ahsoka.

He strolled down the hallway, looking around for the Council room. There it was. He saw it, with Mace Windu, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka, and some others, animatedly discussing something that seemed to be causing some distress. Texar waited outside, not wanting to bother their discussion. As he waited outside, he only caught the words, "Droid factory", "Secret", and "Dooku". Count Dooku. Separatist leader. He was able to put the pieces together. Unfortunately, before anyone could exit, Mace Windu called out, "I can sense your presence, Senator Blu. You may enter, and state the purpose of your visit." Texar groaned, for the third time. He never liked Mace Windu, always grumpy.

"Sorry if I sent the conversation on a tangent."

"It's fine. We were just finishing up."

"Alright. Well, I just wanted to see if she was available for a secret Senate investigation, to help me figure something out for evidence in a Senator's trial. But if she's going on a mission--"

"You heard what we were saying?"

"No. I only heard fragments, and assumed that--"

"Don't assume anything. This is important Jedi business. You can't be misinforming the Senate about our affairs."

Texar grimaced. This wasn't supposed to be the thing anyone was focusing on. "Sorry, sir. I wasn't going to tell the Senate anyways. I just wanted to ask for--"

"Yes, yes. Skywalker, you can manage without your Padawan for a bit, right?"

Anakin looked offended at this remark. "Of course."

Texar grinned at Ahsoka, and then gestured his head towards the door, and winked. She smiled, and looked relieved. After the council adjourned, Texar and Ahsoka exited the room and began walking towards the exit. "What was your mission, then? If it wasn't about droid factories..."

Ahsoka laughed. "It was a check on a possible location for a potential droid factory, and we'd have to scout the terrain. Anakin's gonna be so horribly bored. Thank you for liberating me!"

Texar looked a little grim. "Well, I'm afraid we're not going to be on a much better track. I mean, probably a lot better. But we have to solve a mystery, with no clues given to us. Yet."

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