#KiaSal Drabble 1: She's Like Cold Coffee In The Morning

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Kiana: Dork, I order you to make me another cup of coffee

Sal: I would love to do that, but thanks to your head on my lap, I can't move

Kiana: Of course, you can't. Why would I want to let go of my comfy pillow?

Sal: No Coffee, then.

Kiana: Meanie

Sal: How am I the mean one here

Kiana (thinking very hard): Because...because you are not using your hersscher powers to make me coffee.

Sal: That is not how it works, Dumbo.

Kiana: See, you are a big meanie again.

Sal: Whatever

Kiana: So, no coffee?

Sal (Unable to resist her puppy dog eyes, he shakes his head and tries to get up): I will be back in a-

Kiana (holds him by the waist and pulls him down): No! You are not leaving.

Sal (Sighs and smiles): Fine, Dumbo (He then gives her a head pat)

Kiana: Good, I am not letting you leave me.

Sal: By the way

Kiana: Hm?

Sal: You look cute when you are being needy

Kiana suddenly feels blood rush to her face as she starts blushing furiously. She buries her face in his chest and gives a muffled reply: "Idiot."

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