#KiaSal Drabble 6: I Am Here

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This Drabble takes place three days before Chapter I: The Fight

Ever since the fight at Kolosten, Kiana has developed a habit of checking on Sal every morning before he wakes up and again after he sleeps at night. She didn't miss a single day. In her defence, she was trying to ensure that he didn't attempt to run away.

However, as time went on, this charade she had started to keep guard on him transformed into sessions where she would stare at his peaceful sleeping face.

It wasn't every day she got to see Sal in peace.

During one of these daily sessions, she heard noises of him sobbing.

He called her name. His voice was filled with pain, and his face was twisted with grief. He hated to see him like this.

Not wanting to see him like this anymore, Kiana tip-toed into his room and gently held his hand.

Kiana: Shh, I am right here.

Sal, who was still fast asleep, squeezed her hand tightly. It was a bit painful, but Kiana didn't mind. She then used her free hand and gently caressed his hair. It was then followed by her humming. It was a lullaby that Mei had hummed for her at Nagazora. Back then, it had calmed Kiana down. So she was hoping it had the same effect on Sal.

Sal: Don't go (He mumbled in his sleep)

Kiana: I am not.

That night, Kiana remained by his side until morning four, singing the lullaby, hoping to be able to lighten the burden he had been carrying alone. It was her way of showing she cared for him as much as he did.

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