#KiaSal Forgotten Memoriae Drabble 1

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Memoriae is Latin for memories; thus, the title means Forgotten Memories. This version of Drabble will deal with stories of the past before Kiana and Sal met.

Sal: Captain, I request a holiday!

Sophia: And why is that Lieutenant Apocalypse?

Sal: I don't want to do paperwork! Why must I write a report on how I toppled the Republic Of Espanyol. I have already told you verbally what happened, plus you even have video evidence.

Sophia: (Sighs and smiles) Orders are orders, Sal. There is no running from this one. Also, don't you think writing reports is a good way to make yourself write? Since you joined us at such a young age, you couldn't enjoy the thrill of assignments. So treat this as one.

Sal: When did Lilith Squadron become a school? And I would rather spend my time in simulations or fighting the Honkai beast in the training arena instead of writing something that no one will ever read!

Sophia: (Sighs again and chuckles) 'He is just like Theo; even the way he throws a tantrum is the same, but I know just what to do, to make you work.'

Sophia: Sal, if you complete the report before dusk, I will get you the gaming console you wanted.

Sal: (His sea-green eyes sparkling with childish joy, but he tried his best to maintain his composure) I see if you would go to such lengths for a report I won't mind writing them once in awhile. Though don't think I am doing it because you are getting me that console, I just don't want to make you life tougher.

Sophia: (Yeah right) Then that settles it. I want that report by fourteen hundred.

Sal: You will have it in an hour.

Sal leaves

Sophia: Whatever I am going to do with you. The golden boy of Lilith Squadron.

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