#KiaSal Forgotten Memoriae Drabble 3 The Children Of Second Eruption

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Elias Erdős is a strict father. He loves his daughter and son equally, or at least he tries to. During his early years as a father, Elias would spend every second clicking pictures and shooting videos of Sophia's every small achievement.

According to the data collected from his memorandum.

Sophia's first words were 'Dada'

Sophia started walking when she was ten months old.

Sophia was a prodigy in mechanical engineering. When she was three, she was tinkering with unfinished Mecha models in Elias's Workshop.

Around the same time, she became an elder sister.

At age four, she officially took the position of being Theo's bodyguard.

The first word Theo uttered was Sophi.

He learnt to walk with Sophia's help, who taught him by supporting him.

When Theo entered school, Sophia ensured no one messed with her baby brother. Bullies were swiftly taken care of.

By age nine(Sophia), they were practically inseparable.

When Sophia was twelve, Elias got an offer from Schiksal. They wanted his company, Glamoth Industries, to create a mass production line of Mecha which could withstand extreme Siberian temperatures. Being the Adventurous man he is, he couldn't say no.

Six months after the offer, the Aesir line of Mech was ready to be delivered. Everyone was content, but Elias wanted to see the Aesir in action in Siberia, and thus, he decided to go there along with this family.

He landed the moment the Second Eruption began. A lot of information after the landing and his supposed death has been lost. But one thing is for sure: during his final moments, Elias had turned into an Honkai beast, who, despite becoming a monster, protected his children.

He spent his last few seconds being a father and protecting everyone; his wife Natalia also turned into a beast because of Honkai corruption, yet she too retained her mind, if only for a few seconds.

The beasts were never found or seen afterwards. The only reason we know this phenomenon happened is because the camera on the fifth floor of Babylon captured it all.

As of this moment, Schiksal still doesn't know where the parents are.

As for the children, Sophia enrolled into Schiksal and joined the ranks of Velestflëge. She also became the second youngest Valkyrie to attain the S Rank status, with the first being Durandal. As for Theo Erdős, the young boy passes away due to Honkai corruption stacked with Hypothermia.

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