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"We found it!" Jean announced, walking into the room with boxes of rifles. "This is Military Police stuff. It was covered in dust."

Sakura watched from where she was going over a plan with Armin.

"Are scatter shots really enough?" Jean asked. "Will these rifles actually be of any use against the Titans?"

"I think they're a lot better than nothing." Armin answered. "If there are still only seven 3 to 4 meter class Titans in the supply room, even this may be enough firepower to blind them all at once. First, we'll use the lift to lower a large number of people through the central ceiling. They'll fire in the faces of the seven Titans in unison to blind them. And then, the next instant will be critical. The seven of us hidden among the ceiling beams will strike the blinded Titans in a coordinated ambush. In other words, in this plan, all of our lives will depend on this one strike. The seven must kill seven Titans at the same time, with a single strike. The seven will be those of us whose skills give us the best chance, but I'm sorry to make them bear the weight of everyone's lives..."

"It's all right." Reiner smiled reassuringly.

"Regardless of who goes, everyone dies if we fail." Annie added. "The risk is the same."

"But is the plan I conceived really the best one?" Armin questioned outloud.

"It's our only option." Marco told him. "There's no time, and this is the best plan we'll have. We just have to give it all we've got!"

"It's fine." Mikasa reassured. "Have confidence in yourself. You have the ability to find the right solution. That ability has saved both Eren and me."

"When was this?" Armin asked.

"The lift's ready!"

"The guns, too!"

"They're all loaded!"

"You just don't realize it." Mikasa said. "We'll talk later."

Sakura gave Armin a gentle smile.

"You have the brains for this stuff, Armin Arlet. Believe in yourself."

Together, she, Mikasa, Reiner, Berthold, Annie, Connie, Jean, and Sasha walked down the stairs where they would wait to give the final blow to the Titans.

"But can we kill Titan's without Maneuver Gear?" Connie's voice broke the silence.

"Sure, we can." Reiner answered. "They're 3 to 4 meter class Titans. The target will be easy to hit."

"Yeah, no matter what the size, the target is always that one spot on the neck." Jean piped in.

"One meter long, ten centimeters wide!" Sasha reminded the group.

"Or we can shove this up their ass." Reiner held up one of his blades. "These are the only two weak spots."

Sakura rolled her eyes, smirking as she elbowed Reiner in the ribs. Reiner paused, coughing up his own spit.

"I didn't know about that!" Connie exclaimed. "We can do that?"

"Reiner, those may well end up being your last words." Jean told him seriously.

Sakura giggled quietly as they got into their positions on the beams, waiting.

Finally, the small lift slowly came down, the cadets with it.

The moments of silence as the Titans walked forward was pure agony.

After what felt like years, the cadets fired, and those hidden on the beams leaped down, striking their targets.

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