Chapter 43

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Freen had left Becky's apartment and hadn't been back in over a week. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't face Becky and pretend that everything was okay when she knew it wasn't.

She can't lie to Becky anymore.

Instead, she hid like a coward. She didn't ignore Becky. She merely actively avoided talking to her.

Becky: Did I do something wrong?

Freen sighed. She didn't want to lie to Becky, but she couldn't tell her the truth just yet. It was something she had to talk to her about in person.

Freen: Of course not, darling. I'm sorry, I was pulled away by something important. I'll be back soon, I promise.

Becky: Be safe, don't do anything reckless.

Freen rubbed her hands across her face before readjusting her stance. She came back to base in order to find answers to the hundreds of questions she had, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Once she looked, she couldn't go back. She couldn't keep it from Becky. She wouldn't be able to even look Becky in the eyes without wanting to blurt it all out.

"Hey!" Freen growled when a punch landed on her face.

"Focus." Nam reminded.

Freen took a deep breath and readjusted her position.

Nam lunged first, throwing a jab that Freen deflected. Freen retaliated with a kick Nam barely dodged. Freen grinned, adrenaline surging through her veins.

"Have you decided what you are going to do?" Nam asked as she lashed forward, throwing a punch to Freen's stomach.

Freen sighed and easily deflected by stepping to the left and slapping her fist away, "I'm gonna tell her. I have to tell her everything."

"Do you think that's wise?" There went another swing and a miss, with Freen landing on her ass again.

Nam reached her hand out, but Freen shoved it away. She got up on her feet, "I made a promise to her, Nam. I told her there would never be any more secrets between us. I can't lie to her."

Freen then went in for a round house kick. Nam ducked and swept Freen's legs out from under her again, landing her on the mat.

"Then why are you still here? Why aren't you on your way to New York?"

Nam knew Freen was clearly distracted. 

Freen got up on her feet again, "Because before I talk to her, I need to talk to Saint. I need answers."

"What do you mean?" Freen took advantage of Nam's momentary lapse of attention and landed a punch, but not even two seconds later, a left jab landed on her jaw.

Freen turned around and spat out a bit of blood before getting back into her fighting stance, "This whole thing doesn't make any sense. I was so blinded my feelings for Becky that I didn't see it until now."

Nam narrowed her eyes, "What are you talking about?"

"Why Becky?" Freen landed a couple of quick jabs, "Why Becky Armstrong?" The two danced around, eyeing each other, "She's not the first FBI agent to go after The Fallen." Freen got closer, "Why kill her?" This was a mistake because Nam was able to whirl around, grab Freen's arm, and take her to the ground with a kick to the knee and a twist of her arm.

The two wrestled on the floor, "Maybe they wanted to make an example out of her?"  Nam said as she held Freen in place, "Then why haven't they?" Freen spat, as she headbutted Nam and slipped out of her grip, "I mean, I understand the first night. They were tipped off, and I couldn't kill her. What about after?" Both of them got up on their feet, "Why didn't they try to kill her again? It's unlike The Fallen to let their targets go. What's different this time?"

Freen dodged the next few jabs easily, "First, they wanted me to get close to her, to make her an informant inside the FBI."  Freen caught a jab to her side. She shook her head a few times to recover, "Then they wanted me to persuade her into being one of us. Not to mention, that has never happened before. This all feels like a part of some sick plan." She placed a swift uppercut landing Nam on her back, "Even then, they couldn't have anticipated for you to fall in love with her." Nam said, trying to gather her bearings.

Nam got back up on her feet, "So you think Saint knew all along?"

"Either he knew or whoever is calling the shots knew." Freen sighed, "They knew who exactly Becky was. Who her parents were."  Freen said with a scowl.

Nam shook her head, "How's confronting them about this a good idea?"

"I don't care." Freen said, landing an elbow to Nam's side, "Her entire life, Becky thought that her parents abandoned her. But all along, they were protecting her. They did so until their last breath." Freen saw it at the last second. She ducked just in time as a fist came for her face, "She deserves to know the truth. She deserves to know her parents."

"What if Saint doesn't have the answers?" Nam asked, catching her breath. This created an opening as she delivered a quick jab and a hook to the side of Freen's face, Freen stumbled backwards, clutching her nose, which was bleeding. 

"Then I'll go to someone who will have all the answers." Freen said, breathing heavily.

"You mean your parents?" Nam knew she was touching a sore subject, so she expected what was coming next. Even then, it didn't help her in the slightest. Freen was always better, especially when provoked.

Freen ran a hand through her hair, clearly uncomfortable. She feinted left then dove right, catching Nam around the waist and slamming her to the mat. She pinned Nam's wrists above her head, their faces inches apart, her fist in the air ready to strike, "Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Freen said before releasing her grip and moving away.

Nam stayed on the ground, catching her breath, watching a retreating Freen. This is not gonna end well.


A/N: I know it's short, I have been busy. I'll try to update more.

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