Chapter 3

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An upscale shopping mall owned by Gagan's family. Gagan and his fiancée, Priya, are browsing through a high-end boutique. Sitara and a bodyguard stand a few steps behind, ready to carry the shopping bags.

Priya: (excitedly) Gagan, look at this dress! Isn't it stunning?

Priya: (excitedly) Gagan, look at this dress! Isn't it stunning?

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Gagan: (smiling) It is. If you like it, we'll get it.

Priya: (laughing) You always spoil me. But I love it.

Gagan: (amused) Only the best for you, Priya.

Priya hands the dress to Sitara, who takes it carefully. Gagan glances at Sitara with a mixture of annoyance and indifference.

Priya: (to Sitara) Be careful with that, it's delicate.

Sitara: (nodding) Yes, ma'am. I'll handle it with care.

They continue shopping, with Priya picking out various items and Sitara carrying an increasing number of bags

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They continue shopping, with Priya picking out various items and Sitara carrying an increasing number of bags. Gagan occasionally throws disapproving looks at Sitara, who bears them silently.

Priya: (to Gagan) Let's check out the jewelry section. I've been eyeing a few pieces.

Gagan: (nodding) Sure, let's go.

The jewelry shop is in the upscale mall. Priya is trying on various diamond necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets, seeking Gagan's opinion on each piece. Sitara stands nearby, holding their shopping bags, trying to keep her emotions in check.

Priya: (holding up a diamond necklace) Gagan, what do you think of this one?

Gagan: (smiling) It's beautiful, Priya. It suits you.

Priya: (beaming) I think so too

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Priya: (beaming) I think so too. And these earrings?

Gagan: (nodding) Perfect match.

Priya continues to try on different pieces, laughing and enjoying herself, while Gagan offers his approval with a rare smile. Sitara watches them, her heart aching at the sight of their happiness. She tries to distract herself by looking around the shop. Her eyes fall on a stunning diamond necklace displayed in a glass case.

Sitara: (thinking to herself) Just like you (Gagan), it's more expensive than my worth. So beautiful and unattainable.

Sitara tears her gaze away from the necklace, feeling a deep sense of longing and sadness. She looks back at Gagan and Priya, who are lost in their own world, and feels a pang of heartache.

Priya: (holding up a bracelet) Gagan, isn't this one exquisite?

Gagan: (smiling) It is. You have excellent taste, as always.

Priya: (giggling) Flatterer. But thank you.

Priya hands the bracelet to Sitara, who takes it carefully, her thoughts still on the necklace and her feelings for Gagan. She feels invisible, a silent witness to a world she can never be part of.

Gagan: (glancing at Sitara) Are you paying attention, Sitara? Don't drop anything.

Sitara: (snapping out of her thoughts) Yes, sir. I'm paying attention.

Priya: (oblivious to Sitara's inner turmoil) I think we're done here, Gagan. Let's go to the next shop.

Gagan: (nodding) Alright, let's go.

They leave the jewelry shop, with Sitara following behind, her heart heavy with unspoken emotions. As they walk, she steals a glance at Gagan, knowing that despite her feelings, he remains as distant and unattainable as the diamonds she can only admire from afar.

Outside the jewelry shop, Gagan, Priya, Sitara, and the bodyguard move towards the next boutique in the mall. Sitara walks a few steps behind, carrying the bags silently. Gagan and Priya are engaged in light conversation, laughing occasionally.

Priya: (playfully nudging Gagan) You should have tried on some jewelry too, Gagan. It's not just for us girls.

Gagan: (smirking) I'll leave that to you, Priya. You wear it better.

Priya: (smiling warmly at Gagan) Smooth talker.

Gagan: (glancing back at Sitara) Sitara, keep up. We're moving to the next shop.

Sitara: (nodding) Yes, sir.

As they approach the next boutique, Sitara notices a small cafe nearby. She hesitates for a moment, feeling the need to collect herself.

Priya: (noticing Sitara's hesitation) Sitara, would you like something to drink? We could use a little break.

Gagan: (raising an eyebrow) We're not here for a break. Let's keep moving.

Priya: (gently) Gagan, a short break won't hurt. Sitara, what would you like?

Sitara: (feeling touched by Priya's kindness) Um, just a glass of water, ma'am. Thank you.

Priya: (smiling) Alright, why don't you go ahead and get yourself some water? We'll meet you inside the next shop.

Sitara: (gratefully) Yes, ma'am.

Sitara heads towards the cafe, feeling a mix of relief and sadness. She orders a glass of water and sits alone at a table, reflecting on the events of the day.

Sitara: (thinking to herself) How can I ever compete with someone like Priya? She's everything he wants, and I'm just... invisible.

She takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself. Meanwhile, Gagan and Priya enter the boutique, browsing through racks of designer clothes.

Gagan: (glancing around) Priya, what do you think of this dress?

Priya: (examining the dress) It's stunning, Gagan. Do you think it would look good on me?

Gagan: (smiling) Everything looks good on you, Priya.

They continue shopping, their voices fading into the background for Sitara as she sits alone in the cafe, grappling with her unrequited feelings and the stark contrast between her life and theirs. She watches them through the cafe window, a bittersweet ache in her heart.

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