Chapter 22

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Gagan gently guided Sitara out of the car, leading her towards the grand iron gates of the mansion. As they approached, Sitara's eyes widened, her breath catching in her throat. There, on a gleaming nameplate, were the words "Sitara Chowdary Mansion" engraved in elegant script.

Sitara: (surprised) Gagan, what is this?

Gagan: (smiling) This, Sitara, is for you. Come, let me show you.

They walked through the gates, and Sitara's senses were overwhelmed by the sight of the garden. Red roses, vibrant and lush, lined the path, interspersed with a myriad of other flowers that filled the air with their sweet fragrance. The mansion itself was a vision of white and gold, its towering roofs stretching towards the sky.

Gagan led her through the opulent entrance and up a grand staircase. He stopped before a door, his hand resting on the knob. "Ready?" he asked, looking at her with anticipation.

Sitara nodded, still in a daze. When Gagan opened the door, she stepped into a room that took her breath away. The walls were adorned with photos—hundreds of them—capturing moments from her life. There were pictures of her laughing, smiling, crying, pouting, and giggling, some with her father and brother, but most were just of her.

Tears welled up in Sitara's eyes as she took in the sight. "Gagan, how did you get all these? Some of these are from when I was just a teenager. I didn't even know you then."

Gagan walked over to her, his expression earnest and full of emotion.

It's a rainy afternoon, and the city streets are slick with water. Gagan, at 21, is seated comfortably in the back of a luxurious BMW. The car glides smoothly through the streets, but Gagan's attention is caught by a scene outside the window. He sees a young woman, Sitara, kneeling in the rain beside a wounded puppy.

Gagan: (whispering to himself) Who is that?

Gagan watches in awe as Sitara gently tends to the puppy, her hands working carefully despite the heavy downpour. Her innocent face, beautiful eyes, and baby smile captivate him. He feels a strong pull towards her, his heart racing with a mix of admiration and curiosity.

Gagan: (to the driver) Stop the car!

Driver: (confused) Sir?

Gagan: (urgent) I said stop! I want to help her.

The driver glances nervously at Gagan through the rearview mirror. He hesitates, then responds with a firm tone.

Driver: Sir, I can't let you get out. Your grandfather's orders were very clear. No unscheduled stops or casual interactions.

Gagan: (frustrated) But I need to help her! She's out there in the rain, and that puppy needs care.

Driver: (firmly) I'm sorry, sir. I can't go against your grandfather's instructions.

Gagan's emotions are a whirlwind of confusion and longing

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Gagan's emotions are a whirlwind of confusion and longing. He feels a deep connection to the woman outside, but his hands are tied by his grandfather's rules. He watches helplessly as the car drives away, his heart aching with a profound sense of loss and missed opportunity.

Gagan: (muttering to himself) I'll never forget her...

The image of Sitara, drenched yet determined, caring for the puppy is etched into his mind. As the BMW continues on its way, Gagan's heart is overwhelmed by an inexplicable longing. The encounter, brief and fleeting, leaves a deep imprint on his soul, buried beneath layers of unfulfilled curiosity and yearning.

Two years have passed since Gagan's first encounter with Sitara. He is now walking through the halls of his family mansion, which is bustling with activity. His heart skips a beat when he sees Sitara, her beauty still radiant and her smile as warm as ever. The memory of that rainy day and his longing to help her and the puppy flood back.

Gagan: (to himself, in awe) It's her...

Gagan's heart races as he approaches her, his mind filled with the hope of finally speaking to her about that day and making amends. But as he gets closer, he sees his father standing with Sitara, talking to her with a stern expression.

Gagan's Father: (firmly) Sitara, these are the rules of the mansion. You are here to work, and it is crucial that you adhere to them. Remember your position as a servant, and do not engage in casual conversation with family members.

Sitara nods respectfully, her face showing a mix of nervousness and determination. Gagan watches, his heart sinking, as he hears his father's words. The harsh reality of the social hierarchy and the rules of the mansion becomes painfully clear.

Gagan: (whispering to himself) I can't... I can't let this happen.

He steps back, his initial impulse to speak to her faltering. The thought of his father's strict rules and the potential pain his intervention could cause Sitara weighs heavily on him. He knows that his feelings of protection and his desire to talk to her would only lead to more hurt—both for her and himself.

Gagan: (turning away) I should stay away...

He retreats, his heart heavy with the burden of his emotions. The image of Sitara, her smile untouched by the years, remains etched in his mind. Gagan's thoughts are filled with a deep sense of helplessness and the pain of knowing he must keep his distance to protect her from further suffering.

As he walks away, the mansion's opulence contrasts sharply with the emotional turmoil inside him. Gagan's love for Sitara is now entangled with the constraints of his family's expectations and the societal divide that separates them.

I know it sounds strange, but I fell in love with you back then, before we ever met."

Sitara's tears spilled over, streaming down her cheeks as she looked at the photos and then back at Gagan. "You've loved me for that long?" 

Gagan nodded, his voice soft. "Yes. I tried to keep my distance, to let you live your life, but when our paths finally crossed, I couldn't stay away. And now, I want you to know how much you mean to me."

You're the first person I've ever loved, and now you're my everything. I won't give up ever. I'll stand up against anything in the world for you. I'll fight for you, I'll fight for us, and I'll fight for my first love.

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