Noel's POV
"Where are we going for this ice cream we've been driving for hours" I complained.
"It's been thirty minutes" Alex our driver for today corrected.
"Same thing" I said then leaned on the individual next to me.
"Move" I did as I was told. I forgot it was Raffaele.
After about ten more minutes Alex parked at a cutely decorated ice cream house. That's what we are going to call it because that was what was written on the big board outside.
"We're here you whiner" Sandro commented.
"I'm not a whiner" I said then got out of the car. The guys also followed then we went inside.
"It's so pretty in here" I commented after we settled in.
"Yeah, guess who owns the place?" Alex spoke.
I looked around "Stefan?".
"What an accurate guess" Sandro said impressed.
"Yeah how'd you get it so quickly?" Alex questioned I shrugged.
"He's the only one involved with anything related to food so it wasn't that hard to guess" I chuckled "Or did you want me to say it was you?"
"Of course not"
"I'm an artist in my own art" he said cheekily.
"How wonderful, when are we ordering again?" If we don't get ice cream we don't really satisfy the whole evening ice cream idea.
"Hold your horses we're waiting for someone" Raffaele said and I rolled my eyes.
"Who's this someone taking forever to come? Even Bright Wilson didn't wait this long at the altar for Mom and I tell you he waited" Sandro chuckled.
"Man you're awfully whiny today" he said but then after smacked my head.
"And don't roll your eyes"
I wanted to glare at him but like my mommy's good girl I let it go.
I looked around and there were no customers just us, the place was really pretty to be this empty. Even the waiter there was only one.
"Does Stefan close this place early on Saturdays?" I asked.
"No why?"
"We're the only people here and there's like one waiter"
"Oh Raffaele closed the place early for our guest he doesn't like to be in crowded places" Alex responded.
"Well now I must really meet this guest, first of all he comes late secondly he makes you guys close down a whole business just because he can't stand his species and last but not least I don't have ice cream in front of me right now because guess what? he's late" I shook my head. "Does he think he's king or something?" the bell at the top of the door rang.
"Finally" I turned around and paused a little.
Raffaele stood up to welcome him. I turned back around.
"He's cute no, he's hot"
"What was that?" Sandro asked next to me and I shook my head.
He looked at me weirdly before also standing up to greet the guest.
After a few seconds they all sat down and to my misery the guest sat across from me.
He didn't greet nor acknowledge me.

RandomEver since Alessia, Noel's mother passed away it has never been the same. She doesn't get along with her father and it's been like that for the past years. He eventually gets tired of it and decides to send her to his brother-in law's place in Italy...