Noel's POV
I sat up and looked at the time.
I sighed. Since I couldn't sleep I decided to head down to the kitchen to get something to eat.
I put on a warm jumper then went downstairs. For minutes I stood in front of the cupboards looking for something to eat but they were full of things that took too long to cook and I was not in the mood for snacks.
A little disappointed I sat on one of the island chairs. I fell into deep thoughts about what has been happening lately, my biggest stressor being the Jackson issue.
I didn't even realize someone had come into the room until they tapped me on the shoulder.
I came out of it to see Stefan standing infront of me with a worried expression on his face.
Seeing his worried face and being overwhelmed with everything going on these days I went into action without thinking much.
I hugged him.
"Heyy, what's wrong?" he hugged me back.
"Nothing" I said feeling the hug.
"It's not nothing"
How was I supposed to tell him I was a retired member of the Spanish mafia who was being pressured by a very consistent former collegue to get back into the field?
Keeping this secret is eating me especially since they were open to me about theirs. Yes it was under heavy circumstances but they still told me and Angela so I feel really bad right now.
Guessing I was not ready to share yet Stefan spoke up.
"Well whenever you're ready I'm always here for you mmh?"
We stayed like that for a few minutes until I spoke.
"Stefan" he hummed a response.
"I'm hungry" I said then he chuckled.
"What do you want to eat?"
"I don't know" I answered truthfully. The whole reason I went into the thought train was because I couldn't find anything to eat.
"How about some tacos?" I didn't know whether to say this late or this early, anyways who could say no to tacos.
"Sure" he kissed my forehead then went to prepare them.
I watched him all throughout the process while talking to him. Apart from Raffaele who to this day I had no idea where he was, Stefan was my other cousin I felt I hadn't bonded with properly so this was like our bonding time and I was loving it.
If Damien was the fire then Stefan was ice just cool, calm and collected.
"Did you go to culinary school?" he looked up still cutting and that proved why I was asking.
He was a knife genius.
"No, self taught" he threw the pepper into the air then when it hit the cutting board he cut it into small pieces in fast motion looking at me.
"Show off"
We laughed.
"Shh people are sleeping, keep it down" I smiled, we were a little loud.
He then went to cook everything on the pan but the whole time he had the stove on high with oil in it so when he put the cut veggies it made a really loud sizzling sound.

RandomEver since Alessia, Noel's mother passed away it has never been the same. She doesn't get along with her father and it's been like that for the past years. He eventually gets tired of it and decides to send her to his brother-in law's place in Italy...