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Third Person POV

Damien fetched Noel from school and on their way to the hospital she debated whether she should tell him about the Russians or not.

"Uncle isn't that bad, he seems like a guy who cares" Nevermind then she thought.

"Oh he cares alright but only about his reputation, may I remind you the annual business awards are coming so he has to keep everything clean"

"That means an incident happens in his hotel he has to fly out and solve it, the media captures it, they broadcast it, the public loves his heroic act, they vote for him, he wins business man of the year and his businesses flourish then boom he becomes more cocky and more Bright Wilson" she said without stuttering leaving Damien suprised at how deep their feud went.

"Wow I can hear the love"

"And you'll see it too"

"Look Relia, I don't know what happened that brought yours and your Father's relationship to this point but I know that it can be fixed" I interrupted him.

"If the partys involved don't want to fix it then nothing can be fixed, believe me I've tried" Noel let her sadness escape and that tugged at Damien's heartstrings.

He held her hand with one hand while he drove with the other.

Him and Dante were really close so he imagined what it would be like if it was said they were not getting along and he did not like that thought.

"If you want to go home just tell me okay?" She nodded and he kissed her little bandaged hand.

"He's gonna think we mistreat you seeing your bandages" he said causing Noel to chuckle.

Because of the front entrance being surrounded by reporters wanting to photograph Bright Wilson and wanting updates about Mrs Cassano they went in using the underground entrance.

Noel was not looking forward to meeting Bright, what if part of him coming here was to take her back.

I mean he did send her here without permission what would stop him if he wanted to take her back.

Damien opened the door to the ward and all the eyes in the room turned to them.

Noel's eyes lit up seeing a very familiar face.

"Uncle" she quickly ran up to Vincent and gave him a huge hug.

" My sweetheart, how are you?" Vincent questioned. He missed his troublemaker soo much.

"I'm alright how are you? Did you come with Brian?" She asked very happily thinking maybe Brian was able to travel with them.

"No he stayed behind to take care of things while we were gone"

"Oh what about Brandon?" Vincent shook his head.

"Terry?" He didn't have to answer that one to figure out that Terry wasn't here.

"Lemme guess a certain figure happened" Vincent only patted her head as a response.

"Your manners are still out exploring the world I see" Bright Wilson coldly commented forcing Noel to turn to him.

"Bright Wilson" she dryly stated looking straight into his cold emotionless blue eyes.

The Cassano family, Vincent and Isabella watched their interaction. It baffled Dante on how estranged their relationship had become. He remembered how they used to be so close.

Literally nothing would separate them.

'I wonder what happened' he thought.

Noel starred directly into Bright's eyes. She noticed how nothing had changed. He still held on to his nasty personality, still looked young for his age and still gave off the vibes that he cared about nothing else except for his money.

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