Chapter 6

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As the gates of the Ranawat Mansion swung open, the hum of the rare, expensive car grew louder. The sleek, custom-made vehicle, a model so rare it was the envy of car enthusiasts worldwide, glided up the driveway. Security personnel, dressed in sharp, dark suits, stood at attention, their eyes scanning the surroundings with professional precision.

The car came to a smooth stop in front of the grand entrance. The door opened, and he stepped out, exuding an air of authority.
His posture was regal, his gaze unwavering as he surveyed the scene before him. Every step he took echoed with confidence and power, a reminder to all that he was soon to be the king of Rajasthan.

With full attitude and pride, like a king surveying his kingdom, he entered the opulent Ranawat Mansion. The security team closed ranks around him, ensuring his path was clear. Inside, the grandeur of the mansion seemed to acknowledge his presence, welcoming him as the rightful heir to its legacy.

Jayavardhan had made sure to inform his dada sa earlier in the evening not to wait for him. He also ensured his maa sa would not stay up, knowing her fragile health couldn't withstand the late hours. It was 3 AM, and he expected the mansion to be enveloped in silence.

However, as he stepped into the grand hall, he was surprised to find his Maa sa aka mithali is , waiting for him. She sat elegantly on a plus size sofa , her regal posture unmistakable despite the late hour. Her eyes, warm with maternal concern, met his as he entered."Maa Sa," he said, his voice carrying a mix of surprise and gentle reproach. "I told you not to wait up for me."

Mithali smiled softly, her face illuminated by the chandelier's soft glow. "A mother cannot sleep peacefully knowing her son is out so late. You may be a king, Jay but you are still my son."

Jayavardhan's stern expression softened slightly. He walked over to her and knelt beside the chair, taking her hands in his. "I worry about your health, Maa Sa. You need your rest."

She placed a gentle hand on his cheek. "And I worry about you, my son. The burdens you carry are heavy. You mustn't bear them alone."He nodded, appreciating her unwavering support.

"I understand. But you must promise me you'll take care of yourself too."

Mithali sighed, there was a mixture of love and concern in her eyes. But she speaks in a mischievous manner ,"Okay, i will take care of myselves and if you want i should not to wait for you every night, then you bring a lovely daughter-in-law for me , then I will be free from my responsibility" .

Suddenly he gets angry after hearing about the marriage, but he cannot get rid of his anger at his mother, so he just laughs and says, "You know that I don't want to get married."

Mithali : Can I know the reason beta ?

Jayvaradhan : i am feeling sleepy maa sa ,we will talk tomorrow, you go and sleep.

She doesn't say anything further because she knows he won't listen to anyone, so they both say good night to each other and go to their rooms.

The morning sun gently peeked over the horizon, casting a golden hue across the vast expanse of Ranawat Mansion. The sprawling gardens sparkled with dew, and the birds chirped cheerfully, welcoming the new day. The air was fresh, carrying the faint scent of blooming jasmine from the garden. However, despite the picturesque beauty, an unmistakable tension loomed over the estate.

It is 9 o'clock in the morning. Everyone is sitting at the dining table and everyone is just looking at Dada Sa. And it is like a grandfather who is repeatedly looking towards the stairs and waiting for Jaivardhan to arrive. A little fear is also visible on his face because today he has to talk to his beloved grandson about his marriage. Everyone is just thinking that how will Dada Sa convince Jaivardhan for marriage??

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