Chapter 5

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He was coming straight to the palace after getting down from the jet when suddenly Aman told him that the presentation of his upcoming new project had been leaked and it was the work of someone from his employe.

Hearing Arman's words, his blood started boiling. His eyes had become completely red with anger. It seemed as if someone's death was certain today.

But Dada Sa had asked him to come straight home but it was important for him to go to the office, so he messaged Dada Sa that he had some important work, so he was going straight to the office and would meet him tomorrow morning.

After messaging Dada Sa, he asks the driver to take the car directly to the office.
He reaches the office in just 10 minutes.

Jayavardhan stormed into the office, his fury barely contained. The staff could feel the tension as he walked past, his presence as intimidating as a brewing storm. Arman followed closely behind, clutching a folder filled with information on the possible suspects."Everyone, conference room. Now!" Jayavardhan's voice echoed through the office, leaving no room for hesitation.

Within minutes, the employees gathered in the conference room, their nervous murmurs silenced by the sight of Jayavardhan's fierce expression. He stood at the head of the table, scanning the room with eyes that seemed to pierce through their very souls.

"Arman, explain," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument.Arman stepped forward, his voice steady but tense. "We discovered the leak this morning. The presentation for the new project was shared with our competitors. We've traced the breach to an internal source, but we haven't identified the culprit yet".

Jayavardhan's jaw clenched, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the edge of the table. "Who had access to this information?"
Arman handed him the folder. "These are the employees who had clearance."

Jayavardhan opened the folder, his eyes scanning the list of names. He recognized each one, having personally vetted them. Betrayal was not something he took lightly.

"I want a thorough investigation. Review their communications, financial transactions, everything. I want the traitor identified and brought to me," he said, his voice dangerously calm.The employees nodded, their fear palpable. They knew the consequences of crossing Jayavardhan Singh Ranawat."Dismissed," he ordered, and the room quickly emptied, leaving only Jayavardhan and Arman.

"Who do you suspect?" Jayavardhan asked, his tone softer but no less intense.Arman hesitated before replying. "There's one name that stands out, sir. Raghav. He's been acting strangely lately, and there have been discrepancies in his work."

Jayavardhan's eyes narrowed. "Bring him to me."Arman nodded and left the room. Jayavardhan paced back and forth, his mind racing. He couldn't afford to have a traitor within his ranks, especially not now. The new project was crucial for expanding his empire.

Arman returned, leading Raghav into the room. The young man looked nervous, sweat beading on his forehead."Raghav," Jayavardhan began, his voice cold, "you've been accused of leaking confidential information. What do you have to say for yourself?"Raghav's eyes widened in shock. "Sir, I swear I didn't-""Don't lie to me!" Jayavardhan roared, slamming his fist on the table. "I will find out the truth, and if you're guilty, you will pay the price."Raghav trembled, tears welling up in his eyes. "Please, sir, give me a chance to prove my innocence."

Jayavardhan stared at him for a long moment before nodding. "Very well. You have 5 hours. If you can't prove your innocence by then, you will face the consequences."

Raghav nodded gratefully and hurried out of the room. Jayavardhan turned to Arman. "Make sure he doesn't leave the premises. I want him monitored at all times."Arman nodded. "Yes, sir."

Jayavardhan didn't have to wait long. Within 2 hours, Arman burst into his office, a grim look on his face."We have the evidence," Arman said, handing over a stack of documents and a USB drive. "Raghav is the traitor."

Jayavardhan's eyes darkened as he reviewed the files. The proof was irrefutable-Raghav had been in contact with their competitors, providing them with detailed information about the new project. There were emails, transaction records, and even a recorded phone conversation.

Jayavardhan's fury had not abated. The thought of handing Raghav over to the authorities seemed too lenient, too merciful for the betrayal he had committed.

Jayavardhan had always believed in swift and decisive action, and this was no different."Bring Raghav to the underground chamber," he ordered Arman, his voice cold and resolute.Arman's eyes widened in surprise but he nodded, knowing better than to question Jayavardhan's decisions.

Moments later, Raghav was dragged into the dark, foreboding chamber beneath the palace. His hands were bound, and his eyes darted around in terror.Jayavardhan stood in the center of the room, his expression a mask of icy rage. The room was dimly lit, with heavy iron chains hanging from the walls and various instruments of punishment lined up on a table nearby. This was a place where Jayavardhan dealt with the most serious betrayals, a place where mercy had no place.

"Raghav," Jayavardhan's voice echoed in the chamber, "you have betrayed me and everything I stand for. You will not find the mercy you seek here."

Raghav fell to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably. "Please, sir, I beg you. I made a mistake. I'm sorry."

Jayavardhan's expression remained unmoved. "Sorry? Your sorry does nothing to undo the damage you've caused."

He signaled to two of his guards, who stepped forward and chained Raghav's hands to the wall. Raghav's cries for mercy filled the chamber, but Jayavardhan remained cold and unyielding.

"You will learn the true meaning of regret," Jayavardhan said, picking up a leather whip from the table.

"This is for the trust you shattered," he said, striking again. 'For the loyalty you betrayed." Another strike. "For the harm you brought to this company and its people."

Raghav's screams grew hoarse, his body trembling with pain. Jayavardhan did not relent. He wanted Raghav to feel every ounce of the betrayal he had inflicted, to understand the gravity of his actions.

After what felt like an eternity, Jayavardhan finally stopped, his breathing heavy. He threw the whip aside and approached Raghav, who was barely conscious, his back a mass of bloody welts suddenly he took out gun and shot him and raghav is dead.

"Let this be a lesson," Jayavardhan said quietly, his voice filled with icy resolve. "Betrayal will not be tolerated. Ever."

He turned to Arman, who had watched in silent horror. "Take him away and Make sure everyone knows what happens to traitors."

Arman nodded, quickly moving to carry out his orders. As Raghav was dragged away, Jayavardhan stood alone in the chamber, his rage slowly ebbing. Traitors only deserved death. He had to protect his empire, and he had to ensure that no one would ever dare betray him again.

With a final glance at the dark, oppressive room, Jayavardhan turned and left for Ranawat palace, his mind already moving on to the next challenge. There was no time for rest; he had an empire to protect and a kingdom to rule.
Dear Readers,

I apologize for the long wait, but my exams kept me busy for the past month. I'm happy to inform you that I'm back and ready to continue the story!However, I noticed that there haven't been many votes or comments lately. Your feedback and support mean a lot to me and keep me motivated.
If you're enjoying the story, please take a moment to vote and share your thoughts in the comments🙏
It really helps and encourages me to keep writing.
Thank you for your understanding and support♥️✨💫


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