Chapter 7

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"Stop, Jayavardhan Singh Ranawat!"

The voice echoed through the hall, arresting Jayavardhan's steps. It was Rajvardhan Singh Ranawat, his grandfather, standing with an unmistakable fury in his eyes. The entire room fell silent, everyone holding their breath as the patriarch confronted his grandson.

Jayavardhan turned slowly, facing his grandfather with a calm, composed demeanor. "Yes, Dada Sa?" he said, his voice low and measured.

Rajvardhan’s gaze was piercing as he took a step forward. "I am not asking you, Jayavardhan. I am telling you. If you refuse to marry, you will have to leave this palace, give up the family business, and renounce your claim to the throne."

Hearing his grandfather's words, Jayavardhan was shocked. He never imagined that his grandfather would ask him to leave his throne. But he covered up his emotions with his stoic face .

everyone in the room was stunned, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief. His grandmother, who had been silently watching from the side, stepped forward, her voice trembling with emotion. "Ye aap kya kehe rhe h......"Enough!" Rajvardhan silenced her with a stern wave of his hand, his eyes never leaving Jayavardhan’s. The room remained tense, every pair of eyes fixed on the unfolding confrontation.

Jayavardhan took a deep breath, his mind racing as he grappled with the ultimatum. The weight of his grandfather's words pressed heavily on him, challenging his resolve and forcing him to reconsider his stance.

But suddenly a slow, cunning smirk spread across his face.He speak with his strict but calm voice ,"Very well Dada Sa, I will marry But under one condition : you must find a bride in the next five days who is capable of becoming my queen, who loves our people more than wealth, who is strong to face the world , who is not crying on every small thing, who face the cunning people and most importantly she will be a commoner."

The room erupted into a mix of shocked gasps and murmurs hearing his condition except two members
Guess who they are 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Obviously over mithali and his grandmother who are happy that finally they have a daughter in law in this palace.

Rajvardhan narrowed his eyes, his voice firm as he asked, "And why should we fulfill your condition, Jayavardhan" ???

Jayavardhan's smirk widened slightly. "Because, Dada Sa, you have no other choice. If you agree to my condition, I will marry. If you do not, then I will never ever marry in my whole life" .

The tension in the room was palpable as everyone waited for Rajvardhan's response. After a moment of deep contemplation, his grandfather's stern expression softened just a fraction. He knew the stakes were high and that Jayavardhan was not one to back down easily.

Finally, Rajvardhan nodded, his voice resolute. "Very well, Jayavardhan. If I find a bride who meets your conditions within five days then you have to marry her do you understand" 🧐

Jayavardhan bowed slightly, a gesture of respect. "I understand, Dada Sa. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have preparations to make."
As he left the dining hall with the cunning smrik .

The room remained heavy with silence, the weight of Jayavardhan's challenge hanging in the air. Family members exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of what to say or how to react.

It was then that Shivraj Singh Ranawat, Jayavardhan’s father, broke the silence. He leaned back on sofa with a sarcastic smile playing on his lips. "Lo ho gyi ab to shadi , mithali or maa sa aap to bhul hi jaiye ki aapki koi bahu aaegi "

Meera twists Shivraj's ear and says, "subh subh bol shiv , after waiting for so many years, Jai has agreed to marriage and you are talking nonsense.

Shivraj: maa sa , leave my ear, it's hurting.

Mithali: Maa sa, twist a little harder, what inauspicious things he is saying.

Hearing Mithali's words, Meera twists her ears even harder, which causes more pain to Shivraj.

Neha : Maa sa leave the ear of bhai sa  and now think what to do next? how will we find a girl only  in 5 days🤔

Aniket: And that too which fulfills the condition of our brother. This is impossible. Big papa, I completely agree with you.

Anjali : Well, now brother's marriage has happened, Kalijuban has predicted it.

Aniket: O witch, who did you call black tongue (pulling anjali's braid)

Anjali : chote papa look at this aniket 🥺

Aditya : (hitting Aniket's hand ): Aniket, humari bachi k Baal chodiye

Aniket : ( irritatedly ) to m kon hu 😲

Aditya : apni maa sa se puchiye 😏

Aniket : maa sa 🥺

Neha : shut up aniket , we are discussing a very important topic and you are doing fun😑

Mithali : Hey all of you, shut up, now first think about what to do next because you all know Jai very well, if we do not find a girl in 5 days, then my dream of becoming a grandmother will remain a dream only.

Shivraj: (Muttering) For the first time in my life you have spoken the right thing.

Mithali: (staring) what did you say?

Shivraj: I didn't say anything

Mithali: I am telling you Shiv, if my Jai does not get married then I will make you sleep on the sofa for the rest of your life.🙎

Shivraj: Now what is my fault if your son does not want to marry? 😯

Meera: Now you shut up Shiv otherwise no one will be worse than me.

Shivraj: Sorry maa sa😒  

Their bickering came to an abrupt halt when Rajvardhan's phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID, and his eyes sparkled with anticipation.

It was his most trusted confidant, someone who had been working on a mission for the past two years.

Rajvardhan quickly answered the call, his voice steady as he greeted the caller."Yes, what news do you have for me?"

The entire room watched as Rajvardhan's expression shifted from curiosity to intense focus. Without a word, he nodded and excused himself, striding purposefully towards his study.

The door closed behind him, leaving the family in a state of suspense and curiosity about the news that had clearly piqued Rajvardhan's interest.


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