chill day.

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I woke up quite early this morning , like I said before I'm not a morning person, so I was actually surprised I woke up at 6:30

No one was up at the time so I went to take a shower , brushed my teeth and changed into some other comfortable clothes.

I walked into the kitchen and decided to surprise my parents with some breakfast.

I made chocolate chip pancakes with some tea and coffee for my mom and dad.

Just as I finished brewing the coffee, my mom came walking into the door.

"Morning mom, how are you". I asked with a small smile.

"Morning sweetie, I'm fine , how about you?". She smiled back , and sat down at the table.

"I'm fine , I made breakfast for you and dad." I said to her.

"Oh thank you so much hunny." She replied happily.

"It was no problem." As I said that my dad come into the kitchen and sat at the table.

"Good morning ladies!" My dad said with joy.

"What's got you so happy?" Mom asked.

"Well , I got a promotion" my dad practically yelled.

"Congratulations dad" I screamed with joy. My dad always wanted a promotion.

"Congratulations hunny, great job"my mom said.

Today I was just going to chill in my room and make a YouTube video.

I went to my room after congratulating my dad and took out my computer. I had asked Chelsea if she wanted to do the video with me. She said yes and was on her way over , so I just signed in and waited.


Sorry for such a short chapter , Chelsea's picture is in the beginning of this chapter.

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