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(Zayn's pov)

Well it's now dinner time . Since the accident with my twin I haven't come out of my room , I haven't even moved from the spot I was sitting in. I just sat there and started blankly at the wall.

The boys and Chelsea have been coming every once in a while to check on me . I know they are worried but I'm not going to move from this spot until Lorie wakes up.

A few minutes later Liam came up to my room .

'Knock ,knock'.

"Come in " I said still staring at the wall.

"Look zayn , I know your worried about her but you have to get up some time.you can't keep staring at a wall forever. Here I brought you something to eat." He said .

"I'm not hungry" I stated , still not turning to look at him.

"Zayn you have to eat"Liam said .

I turned to look at him.

He handed me a plate of food, I took it from him and pretend to eat. As soon as he left I spat it out and left the plate on my desk. And just continued staring at the wall.

Just then I heard Lorie stir in the bed.I jumped up as fast as of can and rushed to her side.

When she opened her eyes the only thing that came out was the sound of a croaking frog saying my name.

I called Liam and sent him to get some water for her.

"How do you feel?" I asked her when she finished drinking the water.

"I feel like total shit" she said.

"Do you need some pain killers?"I asked , she shook her head no.

I hugged her tightly ,never wanting to let her go.

"Z...z..zayn ...can't....breathe.."she managed to spit out.

I released her slightly.


Welp that's all I have time for today.

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