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We got back to my house two hours before the concert like Chelsea and I agreed.After we both took a shower , I put on my one direction shirt as did Chelsea .

I wore red Matt lipstick, with some mascara , and a light amount of pink eye shadow and a black skinny jeans ,with a red converse.

Chelsea wore some pink lip gloss , mascara, also some pink eye shadow and black leggings, with a black converse.

It took us an hour to get ready , we left with our tickets and backstage passes. We got into my car and started on our journey.

(Chelsea's pov)

While we were on our way to the concert ,I got a notification from Twitter.

It was zayn Malik who posted a tweet.

It said" Lou scratched me on my arm ' ouch' it hurts".

Hmm weird , Lorie has a scratch on her arm, I didn't scratch her and her parents didn't scratch her. I remember her mentioning that her arm hurts earlier.I just have this theory that her and zayn could be twins. I mean some twins can feel what the other is feeling right?.

I got another notification from Twitter. It was from zayn again, but this time it was a picture and guess what .

Yeah , it looked exactly like the one on Lorie's arm.

I decided to speak up.

"Lorie , you said your arm is hurting right?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah , yeah I did" she said sounding confused.

"Well , zayn just posted a picture of his arm and it has a scratch , just like the one you have" I said.

"Ok , where is this conversation going , exactly?". She asked even more confused.

"Well, I have this theory, that you and zayn could be twins " I said about to explain more . But she cut me off.

"What? No" she said looking stressed but yet her face showed that maybe she believes me.

"Lorie, just think about it , some twins could feel what the other is feeling , and I think your one of them". I said.

"Well unless you have some kind of proof then I'm gonna forget that this conversation ever happened , okay?" She stated.

Well I guess there is no convincing her so I guess that is all I can do.

(Lorie's pov)

Chelsea was telling me some kind of madness about me and zayn being twins . That is pure crap , so because I have a scratch that looks identical to zayn's . That doesn't mean anything , right ? .

We got to the stadium thirty minutes later.

We were so pumped to seeing them and the best part is we have backstage passes.

They sang : moments , little things , and happily.

When the concert was over we went to the entrance to backstage and showed the security our passes, they led us to a door with one direction marked in big bold letters.

They knocked on the door and one of the boys shouted.

"I hope you're not some crazy fan , who got past security"

" no it's just us and two girls , who got backstage passes" one of the guards replied.

The door opened and niall grinned at us .

He let us in and I recognized that smile anywhere , he smiled like me , yes the one at Starbucks . It was zayn all along, how could I be so stupid.

They all greeted us , and Chelsea being Chelsea started to fangirl. She squeezed on my arm so tightly . I also happened to notice that he winced when she grabbed my arm . He held his right arm , my right arm is the one that Chelsea squeezed.

" did you feel it when Chelsea squeezed the life outta my arm?" I asked nervous about what he'd say.

"Yeah , it's really weird" he stated the obvious.

"See , I told you ,you guys were twins" Chelsea said excited.

" Well , if you felt that , then did you have a head splitting headache today?" I asked zayn .

"Yes I did . Did you have something to do with that?" He questioned.

"Well um , yes I did actually , but it was all Chelsea's fault . I didn't want to wake up this morning, she was shaking me and dragged me outta my bed . I didn't want to open my eyes and uh, I ran into a wall". I said.

"So that explains it" zayn says.

"Omg zayn has a twin sister" Harry shouted.

"Uh well we don't know that for sure , I mean I knew I recognized you when I saw you in Starbucks. I'm sure I remembered you from before we met in Starbucks" zayn explained.

"I couldn't recognize you because you had a hoodie and shades on , so I don't know , but I did recognize your smile" I said certain I remembered him before.

"You have a point there" zayn said .

All the other boys were making small talk with each other , Chelsea was just listening in on our conversation.

Turned out , me and zayn were twins.

I called my mom and asked her about it , she said my real dad took me away from my mom when I was a baby , when he was killed I was put in an orphanage and she took me.

So I informed her that I found my brother and that I won't be home tonight. Chelsea also informed her parents that she won't be home tonight.

The boys let us stay at their flat for the night , mainly because me and zayn can get to know each other more and then again the other boys were excited.

Chelsea , zayn , niall and I went in zayn's car , and Harry , Louis and Liam went in Harry's car.

We arrived at their flat fifteen minutes later.

Their room was on the 10th floor , we went into the elevator , the ride up was filled with excitement and talking.

Liam opened the door and we all got in , we played twenty questions. I learned a lot about all of them, not much to say about zayn We had so much in common We didn't even learn much about each other, and then again , me being a fan of them ,knows a lot about his accomplishments.


That's all for now . Vote and comment .

zayn's long lost twin sister.Where stories live. Discover now