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Harry ran looking for his sister. He had to tell her what he found, but thought of her on the field as she is the new seeker for Slytherin. He was happy she found people who understand her. Yet, being true to his word, Harry had to tell her about the three headed dog. "Ivy!" The redhead looked at her brother. "I need to talk to you."

She nodded as she walked away with her brother. Draco smiled as he went to walk away. "Draco." He looked at Severus. "We need to talk."

Nodding, the blonde walked in. "What is it?"

"I see the way you look at Ivy. It's the same way I looked at her mother before I screwed everything up. She chose James, but I don't want you to hurt Ivy in any way. I don't want you in my shoes."

"Wow. You really loved her mom."

"She was my best friend."

The blonde knew what to do. "I'm not losing her. The Dark Lord can stay away from her and her twin."

Severus knew right there that Draco was not going to mess up. He knows the boys destiny even the twins, but Ivy is the only one that can change the events starting with Darco Malfoy.
"Harry, are you sure that is was a three headed dog?" She asked him. "That's kind of strange...."

"I know, but I promise you that I'm not lying."

"I know you aren't, Harry." She tells him as she pulled him into a hug. "Whatever is happening, the two of us will find out together."

Harry smiled as he pulled back as Severus watched the siblings. They were another set of James and Lily Potter. He saw how close they were and knew that no matter what, they will have each other's back and they will defend their parents death and destroy Voldemort. He will keep them safe even though Harry looks too much like his father.

"Ivy!" The redhead turned as her brother looked to see Draco. "Are you coming?"

Smiling, the redhead looked at her brother. "We'll go talk to Hagrid later." She tells him. "I know your friends will be there, but I'll still come." She sighed as he looked at her. "I may not show up because I know they don't like me because of my house...."

"But you are my sister and you are nothing like that them." He tells her. "You may have been the light Slytherin needed, but no one should be judging my sister. I mean Malfoy is your friend, right?"

"That's right, Potter." Ivy gave him a look. "Ivy is my friend and she has Crabbe and Goyle to be her friend."

Ivy shook her head as she didn't know that they were her friends too. Harry looked at her and smiled. "Go. I'll talk to you later."

Nodding, Ivy walked away with Draco, who grabbed her hand as they started talking. If Harry didn't know better, Draco has feelings for his twin. Smiling, he walked away hoping that Draco doesn't hurt his sister. Severus looked at Dumbledore who was curious. "Their bond is strong. Stronger than their any siblings bond has ever been. Lily and James would have been proud of them..."

"They are proud, Professor." He tells them. "Ivy is the key to Mr. Malfoy's destiny correct?"

"Yes. He still will have the mark because he was protecting Ivy when the time comes, but I know he will choose the right side for her. And that's the good side. The Potters side."

Severus nodded as he had one thing to ask. "He won't mess up their bond will he? Draco and Harry?"

"No. Draco won't hurt Ivy in any way and Harry, he will eventually see the man Draco will be when he sees how he truly is to Ivy." He tells Severus. "Severus, I know you favor Ivy because she looks like Lily, but she's not Lily. She's Ivy Potter and Draco will point that out to you." Walking to the door, he looked back at his dear friend. "I suggest you pay attention to Ivy and Draco. Watch how things are different."

Severus watched at Dumbledore walked away. He already knew that Ivy changed Draco's future, but the mark...that was unsettling for him as the boy will do it to keep her safe. It's the love that Lily never returned that didn't keep her alive. Yet, Draco's love is stronger than anyone's to keep Ivy Potter safe. "I'll help him protect the girl."
"Where are we going?" Ivy asked him as they weren't near the school.

"To the black lake." He tells her. "I wanted you to know that the Gryffindor doesn't have to be your friend. You have us Slytherins that will prove to you that you are our friend and that you have us."

Stopping in front of the lake, Ivy smiled as she sat down. Draco looked at her and followed her lead causing her to lay her head on his shoulder. She wished to have a picture of this moment, but the memory will always be there. "Can this be our spot, Draco?"

"Yeah." He says. "So when you are feeling down or I don't know where you are, I'll come here."

Ivy smiled as she kissed his cheek. The blonde touched the spot where her lips were and smiled. This girl will be his wife. The one he knows he will fall in love with. Ivy Potter will be mine.

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