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A few days after the incident, Harry and Ivy were cleaning when they heard Dudley. Ivy shook her head as she wondered what had him shocked. "Mummy, daddy, the Potters got mail."

The young redhead looked at her cousin as her uncle took the mail. She glared at him as she walked over to him. "Why can't we for once have something without you blockheads trying to take that away!"

"Vernon, look."

Ivy saw the fear in their eyes as they looked at her and the twins. She wondered what the letters meant, but she has this feeling that this letter will continue to come.
Ivy wasn't joking when the letters continued to come. Every day, the Potters would be cleaning or Ivy would be reading, the notes would continue to grow. She saw her name and Harry's filling the living room. Even though she grabbed on, Vernon took it out of her hand.

The redhead looked as she was moving. "All this carry on over letters addressed to Harry and I. Why are you two so scared of them anyways? Afraid someone will find out how we are treated or is there something you two are keeping from us."

"Enough, Ivy. We are doing this to keep you two safe." Petunia tells her. "Just like we were asked to do, even though we didn't want to."


Petunia watched as she got in the car and slammed the door shut. Vernon looked at his wife. "They are going to learn the truth one way or another, dear. We tried our best."

"Why did they get so angry?"

"It's the way we treated them and Ivy, she has a lot of anger." Vernon tells her. "It was bound to happen."

"Let's hope we don't see any of them."

Vernon hopes them moving to a house by the ocean would be safe. The Potters will never discover the truth.
On the night of their birthday, Ivy couldn't sleep as she had to sleep on a hard floor. Harry drew in the dirt and poked his twin. "Make a wish."

She looked and smiled. "Thank you, Harry. You make a wish with me."

The two grabbed each other's hands and closed their eyes. Making their wish, they heard a big pounding at the door causing Harry to grab his sister and hid behind the couch. They poked their heads around the couch to see the door bust in.

Ivy was surprised by the giant. They listened to Vernon and Petunia try to figure out who the giant was. That was till Dudley was mistaken. "I'm Harry." Harry says coming out of his spot.

"And I'm Ivy."

"Look at you. Look just like yer mum."

"Thank you, but who are you?"

"I'm Rubeus Hagrid." He tells the two. "I have gifts."

Ivy was handed a note. She opened hers and saw that she was a witch and will be going to school for witch and wizards. Hearing her brother ask about this and learning about her parents true fates had her glaring at her aunt. "You told us that they died in a car accident and made it look like dad was a drunk! You hated your own sister because she was a witch!" Ivy screamed as Harry couldn't believe this. "They died to protect us and whoever thought it was a great idea to leave us with the likes of you, is f...."

"Don't say it." Harry tells her as he looked at Hagrid. "We're going."

"Definietly." She says as she looked at her aunt and uncle. "Far away from them."
Harry looked at his sister. "Are you ready to go get our supplies?"

Ivy smiled. "Yes." She says looking at Hagrid. "Where do we get all these supplies from?"

Hagrid looked at the Potters with a big grin. "I'll show you two. Follow me."

Ivy couldn't wait to start her school shopping, but the only quesiton is where are they getting the money from? They will find out when they get to where Hagrid was taking them too. Wherever that would be.

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