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I began to regain consciousness, although I could still feel my neck still hurting slightly. "Where am I now?" I muttered as I tried to figure it out. But seeing my hands and feet cuffed, it was very clear that I was now being held in a dungeon after the group of black-robed men kidnapped me. Ah, damn it, if only I could have been more agile and read their movements at that time. I tried to tinker with the handcuffs, but to no avail. It requires a key to unlock it. Ah, there you have it. Suddenly, a man in leather armor peeked out from the cell bars, "Oh, you're conscious, huh? It's your dinner, eat it. We can only give this, and of course you have to eat while handcuffed. You'll only be able to take off the handcuffs when you're in the game." I also tried to drag the tray of food placed near the door with my feet towards me, "Thank you. But tell me, where exactly am I, and what is the purpose of bringing me here?"

"You were taken by the Dark Knights, yes, I forgot his long name, to be tried here. At least they are fair enough. If you manage to defeat all of them, then you will be free, but they are formidable opponents equipped with various formidable weapons as well. It will probably be very difficult to win this match. I heard that there was only one person who came out safely out of the thousands of people who had already faced them. I don't know much more, after all, I'm just a warden here. Let's eat," he said. I started pulling the tray towards me and started eating the bread given. Hard as a rock! Yes, maybe that's the food in prison. Then I ate the sausage given, I felt very nauseous. It's like raw meat that hasn't even been processed properly. I decided to drink milk only, even though my stomach was still hungry. Looking at me, the warden seemed to be a little sympathetic, "Isn't the sausage taste so bad? And the bread is as hard as a stone? I have a little bread that tastes better than the leftovers of the elites here, grab it," said the warden and threw a loaf of bread at me. "Thank you," I said and began to eat the bread he had given me. "This is really much better than the previous one, thank you, man. But, I'm a prisoner here, why are you so kind to me?" I asked curiously. The warden turned his face away from me and he sat in front of my cell while leaning his back against the cell door. He began to say, "It's not my desire to be here or work here. I was actually the son of an honorable knight in the past, if you know, the Adlerklaue family. But unlike my father, I didn't have any prowess that a knight should have, neither in combat nor in literature. I am just a disgrace in my family. Therefore, I can only work as a sommelier. However, 4 years ago my father and the rest of my family, including my mother, my brother, were killed one night by members of the same organization who kidnapped you. The Dark Knights. However, for some reason, they let me live, probably because they knew I didn't have any abilities that could harm them. Since then I've been here working as a warden, day and night. I always hoped that I could find someone who could destroy them and free me from here. That's why I didn't hesitate to share with the prisoners if they could help me defeat the Noirs. I'm sorry, I always can't spell their long names because my memory is bad." "Union des Combattants des Forces Noires, is that what you mean?" I asked further. "Yes, that's right. That's right, the Union des Combattants des Forces Noires. How can you know? It seems like you've just been detained here for the first time, and who you really are," he asked back.

 How can you know? It seems like you've just been detained here for the first time, and who you really are," he asked back

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[VOLUME 1] N.E.X.U.S. : InceptionWhere stories live. Discover now