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After our date, we exchanged numbers and have been texting non stop. He really wants to come over and take my dad up on that offer but for some reason that makes me feel like we're moving too fast. I really need to talk to my mom about this. I need someone to tell me that I am right about the way that I'm feeling. 

"Hey, mom can I talk to you about something." I ask as I come down for dinner. I look up and immediately gasp at the sight. Ethan was sitting there talking to my dad. "MOM!" I belt out. Ethan spun around and waved at me.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming." My mom said as she dusted her hands off onto her apron. "Henry, watch the food for me." My mom and I walked to my room and shut the door. "What's on your mind, sweetie?" 

"Well, that!" I say and she raises her eyebrow at me. "Ethan is over? What did he go back to the store and just take dad up on the offer." At this point I am officially pacing the floor. "Mom, this just feels like it's going really fast. He makes my freaking heart flutter and I never knew a perfect stranger could do this to someone. Now, he's over our house and meeting my parents. What is going on!?" I shout as I plop on my bed next to my mom.

She rubs my back, lovingly and says, "Honey. Do you know the story of how I met your father?" I sat up and shook my head. "He came over my house as a chore boy for my dad and when we met, it was instant chemistry. I knew he was the one from the second he opened his mouth. Our relationship moved just as fast and I was spooked at first too. But, my mom told me that if it feels right, then there is no reason to fear love. Everyone meets their special someone in their own special way. Maybe it's just the curse of being a Rose." I giggle a little. 

"That's really sweet, mom. Maybe you're right." I shrug.

My mom looked at me and I knew she wasn't buying my act. "Tell me everything about this boy. What has you so spooked?"

"Well, we met literally 24 hours ago. He makes me feel so safe and happy and I just don't understand how he does it. I feel that I have.."

"Known him your whole life?" She cuts me off. I nod, not knowing how she could possibly know that. "Honey, just follow your heart. You are 20 years old. You aren't getting any younger. I see the way you look at him and he has a lot to say about you. Give it a chance. Let your guard down and just be happy. Can you try that for me?" 

"Yeah, thanks mom. I needed to hear that." I give her a hug and we join the boys downstairs. I walk over to Ethan and I can see my parents watching us. "Hi, Ethan." I say softly.

"Hey, Olivia. I'm really sorry if I weirded you out. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. If you want, I will leave right now. Just say the word." He looks genuine. He's so adorable. 

I look over at my mom and dad and they both wave at me in a way to say "go for it". I turn back to Ethan who has the softest, greenest eyes I have ever seen. I blush and say, "No, it's okay. I had a talk with my mom and I feel okay now."

He lets out a sarcastic sigh and wipes his forehead. "Phew. Thank goodness." He says and I giggle at how cute he's being. "So, I want to take you out tomorrow, but with a twist. I want to take you to all of YOUR favorite places and see YOUR favorite parts of the city."

I blush at the sound of that. "That sounds really cool. I am so down for that!" I say and he chuckles. 

The rest of the night, we discuss the date for tomorrow. We all ate dinner and of course my parents embarrass me with the most insane stories about me and of course Ethan is cracking up at them. I kicked my dad about a hundred times under the table for embarrassing me and then my mom joined in with the craziness. It felt as if I was being tag teamed by everyone. Once dinner was over, Ethan helped my parents clean up and then we went to the front porch to say goodnight. 

"I had an amazing time tonight, Olivia." He says as he takes his hand in mine. I blush so hard that I could probably guide Santa's sleigh. "I love it when you blush like that. It's probably the most adorable thing I have ever seen."

I shove him playfully, still blushing. "Shut up!" I giggle. "I had a great night as well. Thanks for overstepping the boundaries and coming over tonight." I tease. 

He smirks at me and my heart skipped a beat. "You just love to tease people don't you?" He says, still smirking. 

"Oh, please. It's the truth. It's not my fault you are totally obsessed with me!" I tease more. 

He licks his lips and smirks harder at me. "You are going to eat those words, missy." He says and I have the overwhelming urge to run, so I do. "Where are you going? Get back here." I look back and he is literally chasing me. The chase didn't last long and ended with me getting tackled to the ground. "Now, what was that you said?" He teased as he held me down on the grass. 

"I said, you are totally obsessed with me and in love with me!" I stick out my tongue but then I quickly regretted it when he started to pinch my sides. "AHH! NO!" I squeal.

"Someone's got the giggles! What's so funny, Liv?" He teases as he digs his fingers further into my sides, making my giggles go up in octave. I try my best to wiggle free, but it's useless. I am trapped. "I told you, you were going to eat those words." 

I am giggling my head off as he continues to tickle torture my sides. Every time I moved, his fingers followed. "Okay! I'm sorry! Ethan!!!!" I squeal in mercy.

He finally stops and helps me to my feet. "See you tomorrow, Princess." He whispers in my ear. I giggle at how cute he is and he plants a soft kiss on my cheek. "Goodnight."

I wave at him, "Night, try not to overstep your boundaries again." I tease as he starts to walk away.

He turns around slowly and my heart jumps. "What was that, Princess?" I immediately run into my house and slam the door behind me. "I will get you tomorrow, don't worry!" He shouts at the door. 

I look out the peephole and take a deep breath when I see him walk out of sight. I turn around and see my parents staring at me and I jump backwards. "Sheesh, you guys ever heard of privacy?" I say holding my chest. 

"That was adorable!" My mom squeals. "It reminds me of us." She says as she kisses my dad on the cheek.

My dad grabs her waist and says, "I know it does." He then pulls her into a kiss. 

"Oh, barf, you guys!" I say and run upstairs to my room. I get ready for bed and then I see a text on my phone.

Ethan: Revenge is dish best served cold. So, I will be waiting, Princess.


Me: Goodnight, Ethan.

I fall into my bed like a girl from a romance movie and just blush at the thought of Ethan and I. Maybe my mom was right. I just have to let it all play out.

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