After Lunch

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Hi, you guys! I am so sorry about not updating for a few weeks. I started college and I am dealing with a really rough pregnancy! So, I hope you enjoy this part and thank you all for the support!!

After lunch, the King and Queen left and it was the four of us again. Once we were alone, I hit Ethan about a million times. "Why did you let me embarrass myself in front of your parents, you jerk!" I say while hitting him.

He simply laughs as he takes the hits. Once I stopped, he said, "But, they loved you, just like I knew they would, Liv! If anything, I helped you break out of your shell." He chuckles. 

I scowl at him. Then, I take a deep breath and allow myself to take everything in. The prince was in love with me and I was in love with him. Yeah, I know we haven't said it yet, but I could just feel it. At the end of the day, I was dating a freaking prince! I look at Ethan and give him a soft smile. "You still suck for that big stunt you pulled, but I am just happy to have you. Prince or not." 

His eyes soften and he pulls me into a kiss. This one felt different. I felt more passion, more sparks, more feeling. I knew it was because I finally learned the truth. I knew deep down that he was hiding something and I sort of knew it was that he was the Prince. So, I just gave all of myself to him in that kiss. I trusted him more than I trust anyone else. "You are so amazing, Olivia Rose. I'm sorry for the lies but you know I had to." I nod and give him one more quick peck. 

I turn to Wesley and Ashley, who have clearly been doing the same thing we were. But, I was mad at him, too. They both are big liars. So, I started beating him the same way I beat Ethan. "And how dare you be a prince too! You come in with your little pretty blonde hair and your charm and you make my best friend swoon over you, just for you to be a liar too! I should kill you!" I screech. 

As he is trying to block the hits, he says, "ETHAN! HELP!" I giggle at the sight and slow my hits down but not stopping just yet. "I'm sorry, Liv! I had to help keep his dirty little secret!" He shouts. I finally stop hitting him and glare. "Look, we can make it up to you! At dinner, there will be big surprises." He beams.

"No more surprises, Wes!" Ashley blurts before I could. I giggle at how she said it, she put her hands up in defense. "This has been a wild day and I'm getting tired." She sounds so defeated. 

"Sunshine, I promise, this is a good surprise. Look, since I did drop a bomb on you, I'll let you in on one. Your parents are coming here today to meet the King and Queen. That is all I am going to tell you!" He says, putting his hands up as if he was surrendering. 

Ashley let out a big squeal. "SERIOUSLY! I can finally thank them for making me part owner of the restaurant ! You are the best!" She jumps into his arms for a hug and I smile at her. I was so happy to see her so happy. 

Ethan breaks me out of my thoughts when he said, "Alright, you two, I am taking my beautiful girl to my room. Have fun and try not to bother us!" I wave at my friends as we walk away. 

We get back to Ethan's room and I can finally take it all in. "So, this is your room?" I say, with a little taunt in my tone. 

"Why are you saying it like that, Princess?" He asks as he cocks his eyebrow. I know what that means, I am not far from torture, but I ignore it. 

I shrug, "I just thought it would be a lot more... impressive." I drag my fingers across his cute little action figures.

He glares at me, slowly. "Watch it, Princess, there is no one here to protect you." That sent a shiver down my spine so I let up a bit. 

"I'm just teasing, Ethan, sheesh. So, tell me, where did you get your dolls." Okay, that one slipped. He jumped at me and I squealed, trying to figure out a way to get out of there. "I'm sorry! That one slipped!" I scream as I make a run for it. 

I quickly open the door and shoot down the hallway. I was actually getting away until... "GUARDS! CAPTURE THE ESCAPE ARTIST!" Ethan shouted. I looked behind me and he stopped chasing me and just smirked. Next thing I knew, I ran into something hard. I rub my head as I look up and see two guards standing above me. They reached down and each of them grabbed an arm, lifting me to face Ethan. "Bring this one back to my room, I have a special punishment in mind." He said, sinisterly. 

I start to kick and scream, playing along as the captured victim. "NO! Please, I didn't do anything. You have to let me go! He's being a tyrant! A TYRANNNNTTTT!" I could hear Ethan laughing at my performance. The guards toss me on the bed and Ethan thanks them as they leave. "Please, I didn't mean it, I swear!" I plead. 

Ethan climbs on top of me and just chuckles as he rests his hands on my stomach. "You crack me up, Princess. A TYRANNNNTTTT!" He mocks as he burst into laughter. I glare at him and roll my eyes. "Such a performer!" He leans in closer to me and whispers into my neck. "If you promise to behave, then I will get off of you." Once that was said, he started to kiss and nibble at my neck, making me laugh me head off.

"OKAY!" I squeal. I try to get the other words out but he went faster and harder, I started to kick and laugh harder. I tried to close my neck on him, but he forced it open, exposing so much more than what he had already, making my squeals go up an octave. Now, he was taking his free hand and scribbling my sides away. "ETHAN!" I squeak in protest. "I'LL BEHAVE!!!" I manage to screech out.

He pulls away, almost immediately, and says, "Good girl! Alright, there is something I would love to show you!" He grabs my hand and leads me up a staircase. Yes, a staircase IN HIS ROOM. He stops me right before we get to the top. "Close your eyes, Princess." He says and I give him a look as if I don't trust him one bit. "I promise, it's nothing bad." He reassured.

I listen and close my eyes as he takes my hand and leads me the rest of the way. He tells me to open and when I do, I am taken away. In front of me were possibly thousands of books. I am a huge nerd and that's not something we talked about before, but seeing that he loves books just as much as me, made me fall for him even more. "I-it's beautiful!" I gush.

"I knew you would love it! I have my very own personal library in my room. I even asked one of the servants to grab your favorites. Look over there." He points to another side of the room and there was a cute little arch that said "Princess" on it. Inside were all of my favorites, from Harry Potter to Junie B. Jones (she reminds me of my childhood). I start to tear up and he grabs me to face him. "Nooo! Why are you crying?" He asks with concern. 

I sniff a little and say, "How do you keep doing this. You keep being oh so sweet to me and I feel I haven't done much for you. This is the best surprise every, Ethan. How did you even know? I tend to keep this secret from everyone, Ashley doesn't even know that I am this big of a nerd." I say, slowly weeping. 

Ethan smiles at me with warmth. "Stop it, Liv." He says as he wipes a tear from my eyes. "You think you haven't done much for me? Olivia, just look at me. You brough the spark back in me that has been gone for years. You brought my smile back, so much so that even my mom thanked you for it. You reminded me that there is a life outside of these castle walls and showed me amazing people that I never would have known. You have shown me love and respect. You are my light, Olivia, remember that." He says, making me sob a little harder but with big red cheeks. 

Ethan lifts my chin up so I would look at him. "Olivia Rose, I love you." He says firmly with a sparkle in his eyes. My heart stopped. He said it! HE FINALLY SAID IT! 

I look at his perfect blue eyes and say, "Ethan Pierce, I love you, too!" He pulled me into a long hard kiss and I could feel the sparks spewing from us. I have never felt so safe and so loved in all my life. I met this man just a week ago and I could already hear wedding bells. We fell onto the couch, not ready to let go of each other and just kissed away. Do you hear those violins?

I am in love with Prince Ethan and Prince Ethan is in love with me. 

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