Double Date

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Ethan arrived right at 6, just like he promised. "Hey, Liv! I have missed you so much today!" He says as he rushes for a hug. I happily dive into his arms and he's kissing me all over my head. I giggle every time I feel his lips on me. He lets me go and turns to Ashley. "Hey there again, Ashley!" He beams as he waves at her.

"Hi, Ethan. Way to get my hopes up with my mystery guy! I was really hoping to meet him tonight!" She teases as she sticks her tongue out.

Ethan makes this face at her in a way to say "oh really". He then moves his body to show a guy that looks about the same age as him. "Well, lucky for you, I realized that flaw in my plan as well. Ashley, Wesley. Wesley, this is my gorgeous girls best friend, Ashley." 

Wesley walks in and he is just as handsome as Ethan, well sort of. I am a little biased though. I watch as my best friend stares at this guy like a deer in head lights. "Nice to meet you, gorgeous." Wesley says as he reaches for her hand and kisses the top of it. I watch as Ethan nudges him. I wonder what that was about. "Well, as Ethan said, I am Wesley. We have been best buds since we were in diapers. Our parents were the best of best friends."

Ashley has been giggling since Wesley kissed her hand. "Well, it's very nice to meet you. I can't wait to get to know you over some ice cream." She says as she blushes harder with each word. 

"Wow, Ethan, you were right. These girls can get as bright as a tomato!" He teases as he pokes Ashely's face, making her blush and giggle more.

I elbow Ethan in the stomach playfully. "Why would you tell him that!" I whisper scream.

Ethan chuckles at me, "Because, I think it is the most adorable thing in the world!" He says as he pulls me closer to him. He leans in and kisses the tip of my nose, making me blush. "See, so so cute!" I roll my eyes at his cheesiness. 

"He's not wrong, Olivia. It is pretty adorable, especially with Ashley. She looks as if she is brighter than you." He teases as he continues to poke poor Ashley's face. I can't help it but I giggle at the sight. Now, she gets to see how it feels. 

"Okay, guys, can we leave now? I don't want to stand here and keep getting teased and having our faces turn brighter." I say, trying to save her a bit. When Ashley gets nervous, she starts to giggle until she hiccups. I could tell she was about to break if I didn't get her out of there. 

Wesley whines, "Aww. But, it's so fun!" I giggle at the sight. Ashley is still super red and giggling her head off. 

I grab her hand and say, "We'll meet you guys at the car. I need to help Ashley with something really fast." I rush her upstairs and watch the boys walk out the door. Once we get to my room, I shut the door. "Ash, snap out of it!" I giggle. 

She slaps her hands in her face and falls down to the floor. "Thank you for saving me! He was just so dreamy! I couldn't help myself." She says with embarrassment. 

"Ash, you have to be strong with these guys. They are masters at getting you to blush and giggle. Plus, if I know Ethan, he told Wesley about your little..." I say pointing down to her waist. 

She quickly covers them up and says, "WHAT! You really think he told him?" She is officially panicking. 

I try to shush her. "Calm down. It's not that bad. You have to be cool, especially if you really like him. Look, I haven't seen Ethan all day, so I will be pretty distracted. Try to not to giggle to the point of hiccups. If I have learned anything, they use your weaknesses against you." She nods her head and composes herself. "Okay, now let's go on our first double date!" We squeal like little school girls and run downstairs to meet the boys. 

Once we arrive at the ice cream shop, Ashley and I get a booth while the boys grab our ice cream. "Remember, be strong!" I remind her. She nods and tries to compose herself more. Wesley was teasing her the whole car ride here. I was actually proud of her, she didn't giggle too much but her face was as bright as it could get. I could tell Wesley took some pride in that. "Okay, here they come. You can do this!" I try to give her one more boost of confidence. 

"Here we are ladies. Some delicious ice cream for two of the most gorgeous girls in town!" Ethan beams as he slides in next to me. He scoops some up with his finger and plops it on my nose. "My cute little messy eater."

I giggle as I wipe it off my nose. "That doesn't count. You did that to me." I playfully shove him.

"Well, you can be messy sometimes, Livvy." Ashley chimes in. I know taking the heat off of her and putting it all on me helped her, but I am not letting her use me a buffer. I kick her under the table. "Ow! Hey!" She shouts as she rubs her leg. 

"What happened?" Wesley said as he looked at Ashley's annoyed face. 

"Oh, nothing. Hey, Wes, do you know something interesting about your little date?" I say, fully prepared to get revenge on her. Then I felt a powerful kick on my shin. "Ow! You little turd!" I say as i start to rub my leg. 

The boys are laughing at us the entire time. "I would like to know more about her, but Ethan has already told me something pretty interesting." I saw them exchange winks and see the look of horror on Ashley's face. "But, I am saving that for our date tomorrow," He turns to Ashley. "If you would like to go on a proper date with me, away from these two love birds."

Ashely is starting to giggle hard again and I gently tap her foot to let her know to dial it back and she does. "I would absolutely love that, Wesley." She beams. 

"Awesome!" Wesley celebrates by wrapping his arm around her neck. They are so cute!

"Don't think I forgot about you, Princess. We are going to spend the whole day at your house. Your parents told me they have a few errands to run so maybe we could play a few games." Ethan says into my neck and starts to softly tickle my sides.

I start to giggle my head off. "Ethan!" I squeal as I push his hands off. I turn to him and say, " I will crush you like a bug at every single game!" He raises his brow at me and I hide my face knowing that I was getting red. 

He pulls at my hands and says, "Don't hide that beautiful red face of yours. I want to kiss it." He teases, still failing at getting me to remove my hands. "Don't make me do this, Princess." I wish I listened to his warning. The next things I knew, he dug his fingers deep into my sides making me squeal extremely loud. The whole place turned to look at us and I shrunk down to hide in Ethan. "Sorry, she got really excited about something." He says and everyone turns back to their business. "You could have just let me see those rosy cheeks but now they are firehouse red!" He pokes my face and I was wishing I could be anywhere else. 

"You two are so adorable." I hear Wesley chime in. "I hope we can get that cute!" He says as he turns towards Ashley. I was too busy dealing with my own crazy guy that I didn't even notice he had her giggling the whole time. The next thing I knew, Ashley was a hiccupping fool. "That is so adorable!" Wesley beams as he chuckles at poor Ashley. "There goes the red!" He teases as she starts to blush. 

You can imagine how the rest of this double date went. They messed with us the entire time. It was so bad that it turned into a contest to see who could get their girl to be the brightest red. Ashley won. After our date, they took us back to my house, where Ashely decided she was staying for the night. We both climbed into my bed and just gushed about our guys. She was already falling hard for Wesley and I was so happy for her. She deserves a love like I got. We giggled like crazy the rest of the night until we finally fell asleep.

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