Chapter Twenty Three: Yesterdays Sentiment, Tomorrow's Sky

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Lucy POV:

"Hahh, I'm going to miss this place." I sighed and draped myself over the large balcony of Hisoka's apartment, having just finished doing his makeup for him- a request that he didn't make of me often, though I was always happy to do it.

"Don't be so dramatic~ we can come back whenever we like." Hisoka sleepily chuckled at my theatrics, shoving his clothes down into his suitcase

"I knoww, I know. I just don't see how anything can beat our lovely bed."

"Oh don't worry about that. Heavens arena will only give us the best. I'll make sure of it~"

"Of course you will." I rolled my eyes at the dash of mischief in his tone and peeled myself away from the balcony, joining him to pack my bags.

Only a few days had passed since our arrival at heavens arena, yet we'd already been put through to the 200th floor! Between the two of us, we'd hardly had any matches, and the only one that had been somewhat of a challenge had been my first- I still had the bruises to prove it. But lack of matches aside, the judges had deemed us ready to move up.

We'd debated whether or not to actually move into a room in the tower, having gotten so attached to this apartment. But after the other night...I knew we couldn't stay here for long. The whole walk home from the arena I'd been looking over my shoulder- the slightest sound making me tense up. If the phantom troupe knew that we were in the city, there was no telling what else they were aware of.

I wasn't sure how worried I should be. Machi hadn't been outright hostile to us and Hisoka was technically still apart of their group... so surely they'd have no qualms with us? But then again, all I knew about their group was the little I'd picked up from Kurapika and Hisoka. I had no clue about their actual motives or morals. Whatever the case was, I just couldn't risk it. The thought of our little home being torn apart had nestled itself in my mind, the scenario plaguing dreams last night, intertwined with the memories of fairytail's chard remains. No matter how small the chance, I couldn't let something like that come to fruition. So sadly, it was time to leave this place behind- and take up residence amongst the clouds.

"Y'know, even if the bed isn't comfy, you'll still have me to make it feel better~" Hisoka huskily purred into my ear, making me shiver. Thankfully, he didn't notice my flustered response. He'd been more touchy since the other day's events, not that I was complaining, but I could tell the situation had put him on edge as well.

"Oh? And how are you gonna do that?" I giggled, placing a chaste kiss on his nose. If touch made him feel better, then I was more than happy to oblige.

"Like this~♡" He tugged me away from my suitcase packing and gently pushed his lips against my own. I kissed back, drinking in his bubblegum scent and letting it sooth my worries. Though we'd kissed many many times, our intimacy still hadn't progressed any further it had that day in the fitting room. But I was alright with that. The pace we were going at And I could tell that Hisoka was holding back for me. Because as much as I wanted to touch him, I wanted to do it when the time was right- when I felt ready. So for now, the comforting kisses were enough. More than enough, actually. For as many kisses as I'd shared with Hisoka by now, I still bubbled with excitement at each one, the butterflies never truly leaving me. Yet another thing to add to the long list of embarrassing things I can never tell him.


Once we were done packing and doing...other things, we headed off to heavens arena. The foyer was busy as always, full of fans eager to watch their favourite fighters and new competitors ready to take their shot. We pushed through and the reptionist quickly checked our credentials, sending us on our way to our room. I'd never been more thankful for the existence of elevators, I couldn't imagine having to lug our bag up 200 flights of stairs. Even with the elevator, it took us a good few minutes to get up there, and I had to flick Hisoka for impatiently tapping his nails against the elevator wall.

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