Chapter One: New Beginnings

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Lucy POV

As I stared down at my fully packed suitcase, the reality of the situation weighed down on me. Three days ago, the fairytail guild disbanded. It crumbled into pieces along side the demolished guild hall. It was almost impossible to process. I'd truly believed that I'd stay there forever- so did everyone else. I'd believed that they were the family I was destined to meet. But a family is meant to stay together.
Could I really call fairytail my family if we fell apart so easily?

So there I was, packing my whole life into a case- sombrely trying to figure out where to go next. Most of the others had already set off and started their new lives and adventures.
First there was Natsu, who'd left me with only a note before running off! Can you believe that idiot? He never even said goodbye!
Then there was Erza and Gray, who I'd considered tagging along with. It would've been nice to stay with them, but I was worried I'd hinder them. Master did said we should all find our own adventures to go on, so that's what I had to do. I had to find my own way in life.

"Ah, Princess, are you ok?"
Virgo's concerned voice rang out from behind me, I hadn't even noticed that she'd appeared. I wasn't sure why she'd opened her own gate, but it was nice to know that my spirits were looking our for me.

"I'm trying my best to be okay," I strained a smile, "how come you opened your own gate?"

"I have a very important question from the Celestial King!" She bowed her head, her tone demanding urgency.

"From the Celestial King?" I repeated with concern. A question directly from the celestial king had to be important, perhaps something bad had happened. I hoped it wasn't anything like the whole eclipse incident.

"Don't worry princess, I assure you it's nothing bad. Now that Fairytail has disbanded, we want to give you an opportunity to go somewhere new." She said enthusiastically, waving her hands around as she spoke.

"Somewhere new?" I inquired, my eyebrow raised. I didn't really expect my spirits to become my personal tour guides.

"Celestial wizards have the unique ability to create doors between worlds. Generally, this is limited to travelling between Earthland and The Spirit world. However, there are, as you know, other worlds- like Edolas for example. With the assistance of the zodiac spirits, celestial wizards are able to move between these worlds. If you wish it, us spirits will help you open a gate to a different world." Virgo explained.

A whole other world?
When I'd decided I needed to go somewhere new, I didn't think the answer would present itself to me so quickly or obviously. Nor did I think it would be this drastic. Travelling is one thing, but hopping dimensions was another.

"Could your tell me about that world?" I asked, both cautious and intrigued.

She nodded, "Of course Princess. To start with, there is magic there, but it works quite differently and is referred to as 'nen'. The people with the most access to nen are known as hunters. They're similar to wizards, as they go on jobs and adventures. Though you have to pass a very difficult exam to become a hunter."

"That's... a lot to take in." I pondered on Virgo's words, finding myself staring back down at my fully packed suit case. The idea of going to another world was daunting, even when I'd been in Edolas I wasn't alone. But then again, I did have my spirits, so I wouldn't truly be alone. It's not like there was anywhere else to go. Sorcerer weekly had reached out with a modelling offer, but I knew I could never truly be happy doing a job like that. I needed something meaningful.
And what did I have to lose?

"You know what? I'll go. I'll take this 'hunter exam'." I decided.

"Are you sure, Princess?" Virgo reached out her hand to mine, holding it tightly.

"Positive!" I told her, squeezing her hand back in reassurance.

"As you wish Princess. The celestial king has already opened a gateway, so all you have to do is hold on tight." Her grip on me tightened and my keys, which were attached to my belt, began to glow and shake.

"What's happening?!" I panicked, the light expanding and engulfing our bodies.

"Don't worry princess. Just close your eyes and relax!" She assured me, though the light was so blinding I could no longer see her.

The light continued to swirl around me for a few more moments until it finally dissipated- Virgo disappearing with it.
I took in my new surroundings, no longer in my cozy bedroom. Now, I was surrounded by people, many of them strange looking, and standing in some sort of tunnel.
I hurriedly pushed my hand to my belt to check for my keys- and to my relief they were still there. There was also a numbered badge clipped to my top.
Was this the hunter exam? It definitely wasn't in Magnolia, I could tell that much immediately. Dusting myself off, I began to wonder around the strange gathering of people. There really were some odd looking people- like a guy with a snake around his neck and some bald dude with pointy eyebrows.

I tried my best to gather info on where I was, listening in on others conversations. Though it was difficult due to everyone seeming to be on their guard. I did however learn that most the people here had taken the exam before and failed. Some of them had tried out over 30 times. That's crazy! I guess that's why most of them were so tense. Just how difficult was this exam?

I kept on being nosey until a group of three walked in. A child with spiky green hair, a boy with blonde hair wearing some sort of traditional robe, and a man with a suit and briefcase. All of them had rather strange fashion choices. Like why the hell did one of them wear a suit to a physical exam? Doesn't he know it's gonna get dirty? Then again, my outfit is pretty inconvenient, so it's not like I can talk.
But anyways, they seemed far more cheery than everyone else in there, so it was probably a good idea to introduce myself.

"Hey! I'm Lucy, are you guys rookies to?" I smiled as I cheerily walked over to them, eager t make new friends.

"Yeah! I'm Gon by the way," The green haired kid exclaimed, "And these are Kurapika and Leorio." He pointed to the two beside him, a grin lighting up his face.

"Great to meet ya!" Leorio said with an extended hand, as Kurapika nodded his head and hummed in agreement. Leorio's laid back attitude reminded me of Macao. And Kurapika had a silent respect almost similar to Erza.

"Likewise!" I replied, shaking his hand. I'd only just met the trio, but I had a good feeling about them.


A/N: Hi! :)) Hope u enjoyed the first chapter!Hisoka will be in the next one😩

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