Chapter Nineteen: Hisoka's Taste

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Lucy POV

Hisoka was sat opposite me, a pink sleep mask over his eyes. He looked a little silly, but cute.
I was glad I'd chosen to come with him. Before we'd left, I'd told Gon and the others about where I was going and to my relief, they'd reacted well. They assured me that they'd be able to get Killua and even wished me luck, giving me a big hug before I left. I still felt a little bad about not going after Killua, but I had no doubt that the others would be able to get him back.

I rested my head on the train window, peering out out this new world. It was much like my own- hills, fields, towns, cities. But I could tell it was different. I'm not sure how, maybe it was the type of magic. It wasn't a bad sort of different though, it was an exciting sort of different.
I was pulled from my thoughts as Hisoka yawned.
"Good sleep?" I laughed as he pulled his sleep mask off.

"Wonderful, I had a lovely dream~" He chuckled, stretching his arms above his head.
Oh Mavis, I wasn't even going to ask what he dreamt about. It was probably something that would scar me mentally.

"Greaaat. How long left 'til we to heavens arena? As much as I like the rest, I could really do with stretching my legs." I sighed. We'd been on the train for four hours already and I really regretted not asking Virgo for a book or two earlier.

"Hmm, I mean it is on the other side of the continent, but it shouldn't be long now. Oh!~ And I was thinking, before we check in at Heavens arena, we could rent out a hotel room in the city." He smiled.

Me and Hisoka... our own hotel room- just the two of us. My face heated up a little at the thought. As much as it flustered me, I definitely couldn't pass that up- A little holiday was exactly what I needed.
"I'd like that. It'd probably help me to get used to this place." I smiled back.

"This place?" He raised his eyebrow.

I hadn't even noticed how I'd phrased it until he'd pointed it out. I still hadn't told him
about...everything- about where I'm from. About magic. About fairytail.

"Yeah, the place I'm from is...very far away." I glossed over the details, still unsure if he'd even believe me. The concept of a whole other world was a lot to grapple with. Especially when that world has dragons and wizards.

"Could you tell me about it? Please~" He pouted, sensing my uncertainty.

"'ll think I'm crazy." I waved my hands in front of my face.

"Try me." He challenged, crossing his arms.

"Hah, fine..." I exhaled slowly, trying to find the right words to explain things. Anyway I put it, it still sounded crazy.
"The place I'm from, it's not just another country, it's...another world. A world full of magic and wizards and dragons."

He didn't say anything, but kept looking at me, waiting for me to carry on.
"Think I'm crazy yet?" I groaned.

"Nope~ I believe you." He hummed.

"You do?" I furrowed my eyebrows. Maybe he was saying that to make me feel better?

"I've seen a lot of crazy things my dear~ And you coming from another world would definitely explained your abilities." He explained.

"I'm glad you don't think I'm mental." I giggled with relief.
"Oh, and my abilities are kinda how I got here! I can open up doors to another world with my keys, that's where my spirits come from." I held up my keys to Hisoka, letting him run his fingers over the gold. I usually didn't let people touch my keys, as they were like an extension of myself, but I trusted him.

"I've never heard of abilities like that before... amazing." His golden eyes gleamed with curiosity and wonder.
Amazing. No one had ever called my powers amazing before. It felt good. I used to get shit for being a celestial wizard, people saying that I didn't fight my own fights.

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