Chapter Fifteen: Threats And Feelings

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3rd person pov

The sky had become a twilight of dark purples and blues by the time Lucy and Hisoka gotten to Illumi's base. He'd told them where to go via the walkie talkie- to a clearing on the east side of the island, not far from the shore where they had to catch the boat to leave.

"Ah, finally! That took forever." Lucy cheered as they entered the clearing, collapsing onto a fallen tree trunk.

"What do you mean 'finally'? I was the one doing all the walking~" Hisoka teased, as Lucy had spent the majority of the time being carried around by him.

"Hey! I didn't ask to get manhandled the whole time," Lucy rolled her eyes, "where's Illumi anyways? He said to meet here." She looked around, but couldn't see any sign of the man. And the man was hard to miss, with his needles and purple skin and all.

"I'm here." Illumi burst out of a hole in the dirt, his sudden appearance making Lucy jump back. It's not everyday you see someone pop out the ground. He'd dropped his purple disguise for now, going back to his usual looks of pale ivory skin and long black hair.

"Were you... In the ground?" She asked, completely befuddled. Somehow, Illumi had managed to not get any dirt on him. He truly was a strange guy.

"Yes, I was sleeping. You two certainly took your time." He eyed the two suspiciously, as if they were misbehaving teenagers who'd snuck out.

"We got wrapped up in a bit of a situation~ but everything turned out okay, see?" Hisoka explained and flaunted his targets badge.

'A situation? Way to make it sound dirty' Lucy thought, trying not to cringe, now realising why everyone thought she was Hisoka's girlfriend. Heck, Hisoka even made her feel like they were dating, and she'd never even dated anyone!

"Yeah yeah, everything turned out great. Shouldn't we start a fire or something? It's getting kinda cold." Lucy desperately tried to change the conversation, not wanting Illumi to get any funny ideas of what her and Hisoka had been up to. But she wasn't lying, she was cold. The night was far more crisp than the previous.

"You're right, it'd be best to find some food as well." Illumi added.

"Yeah I'm pretty hungry," Lucy sighed," I'll go find some kindling while you two find something to eat."

"You don't want me to come with you?~" Hisoka pouted, making poor Illumi physically cringe.

"Oh come on, it only takes one person to get kindling," Lucy giggled at Hisoka's childish behaviour and started off into the woods, "I'm sure you'll be fine without me for five minutes."

"Fine, be that way.~" Hisoka crossed his arms and sauntered away in the opposite direction, Illumi following after at his own pace.

They walked in silence, not wanting to scare away any potential prey. The forest shared in their silence, the only sounds being the whistling of the wind through the trees and the occasional crunch of a twig. It didn't take them long to spot a boar, obliviously wondering through the undergrowth. They crouched down behind a bush and Illumi nodded to Hisoka, signalling for him to kill it. Within a moment, it way limp on the floor, a card lodged in it's neck.
Illumi picked it up by it's leg and slung it's carcass over his shoulder, not caring that it's blood was dripping down his back and dying his clothes red.

With food for the night secured, the pair set off back towards the camp, no longer having to worry about the making noise. But the walk still remained silent- well, to begin with.
Illumi had been giving Hisoka curious side glances, as if trying to understand what he was thinking. Hisoka ignored it at first, but the glare Illumi's unreadable obsidian eyes became uncomfortable after a while.

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