Chapter Thirteen: Different World, Same Problems

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Lucy POV

The Fourth phase of the exam was imminent and everyone was on their guard. After trick tower, the number of participants had dwindled to a mere 25- but I guess that's a good thing. Somehow that Tonpa creep, that had tried to give me laxatives, was still a participant. What a joke! If I was stuck in his group at trick tower I'm sure I would've of gone mental or knocked him out- or both. Gon and the others really are too forgiving. I'm glad they made it through though, even if they did bring Tonpa with them.

After we'd left the tower, examiner gave us badges with the number of our target on, then promptly then hurried us onto a ship. My target was number 384, luckily I'd seen his badge before he'd hidden it, so I knew who he was. He shouldn't be too much of a problem, but the giant blowgun tied to his back looked rather menacing. I hadn't seen much of him but he seemed to be somewhat skilled. I'd already tucked my own badge into my bra, no one would think to check there, and if they did then they'd be in for a world of pain!

The open sea air was a nice refresher after being stuck in that stuffy tower for so long. It seemed like our destination would be an island, which was great for me because I'd be able to go all out with my Aquarius star dress if I needed to!

"No need to be shy my dear~ who did you get?" Hisoka popped up beside me, prodding me for information with Illumi looming from behind him.
"384, I think it's the one with the funny hat,"
I explained and gestured to him, "what about you two?"

"89, though I'm not sure who that is." Hisoka admitted.
"I've got 371, I'll dispose of him quickly." Added
Illumi. Yikes, I felt bad for whoever their targets were- especially since we're allowed to kill other participants now.

"It would be better if we split up again, until we've dealt with our targets. Keep your walkie talkies for emergencies though." Illumi stated bluntly. Aww, it almost seemed like he cared.

"Yeah, that's probably for the best. I'll let you you two have your fun." I sweat-dropped, not really wanting to see carnage they were bound to cause.
"Ohh I can't wait to get started~" Hisoka chuckled. That man has never failed to disturb me.
"Save it." I brought my finger to his lips to shush him. He protested, but eventually stopped with the creepy murder stuff.

"We have arrived!" The examiner announced as everyone's heads snapped in his direction.
"You'll be getting off in the order you arrived, so number 301 goes first."

Many groaned at that, but I cheered. It meant that I'd get off third, that's a massive advantage! I'd have enough time to get some training in, and to hunt that blow dart guy without him having a chance to escape. I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do when I caught him though. If I just took the badge he'd surely come after me; so I'd have to incapacitate him for a few days without killing him. We were allowed to kill our opponents, but I cringed at the idea. Death was something that fairytail reserved for only the worst of the worst. Though I always had doubts about fairytail being too forgiving, not that we should've killed our enemies, but part of me felt that they deserved more punishment than what they got. Like Bora, the man who almost kidnapped me the day I met Natsu, the thought of how many women he'd sold off always haunted me. If only I'd been more willing to take action back then.
But there's no point in dwelling in the past! It was doubtful that anyone here would be as bad as Bora or Jackal.

Illumi departed the ship first, followed by Hisoka a few minutes later.
"Good luck out there." I said with a smile, knowing he wouldn't need it.
"I'll see you on the other side, my dear~" He said in a sing song tone and departed the ship. Although I knew I'd see him again soon, my chest still ached as I watched him disappear into the tree line. We still hadn't properly talked about our almost-kiss; I wasn't sure what it had meant or if I should even bring it up. He was right after all, I'd never really had romantic experiences back home. The only love affairs I'd been involved in were the ones I'd read. But again, it wasn't the time for that, so I squashed the thought down amongst my many other worries.

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