Chapter Twenty Five: Ecstasy Follows Agony

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Lucy POV:

Time rolled on, and before I knew it, weeks had passed without any bother from the phantom troupe, or Illumi. Weeks full of fighting, training and fun. I was still cautious, of course, but the tense air that had surrounded Hisoka and I was slowly dissipating. I felt as if I could finally relax again- at least a little bit.

Since we'd gotten past the 200th floor, I'd allowed myself to use stardresses in my matches if I really needed too, just not my keys. I figured my stardresses would be able to pass as a power from this world if I surrounded myself in aura whilst using them, but my keys were another story. I didn't want to expose them just yet. Plus, I wanted to work on my hand to hand combat skills and nen as much as I could. Even if I hadn't yet developed a hatsu or figured out what exactly my speciality was, I was making progress.

But I didn't have any matches today. Today, it was Hisoka's time to shine- in the most anticipated battle yet, Hisoka vs Kastro. They'd fought before and Hisoka had won, but apparently Kastro wanted vengeance.

"Sooo, are you nervous." I twirled a strand of Hisoka's hair around my finger as he did the finishing touches on my makeup, having just drawn a star on my cheek to match his own.

"Not at all~ This match really isn't as close as the public makes it out to be. He is better than most the washouts here though, I'll give him that. So it'll be nice to let a little bit loose for a change." He hummed, gently rolling mascara over my eyelashes. He'd asked for me to be his own personal cheerleader today, I obliged, of course, and I wanted to look the part.

"I'll be cheering you on when you wipe the floor with him." I grinned as Hisoka put down the mascara, admiring the artistry he'd painted upon my face.

"You better~ I'll be looking out for you when I do." He grinned back.


People poured into the stadium in droves, all eager to get a good view of the fight. Killua and I were seated right at the front, he'd decided to come sit with me since Gon wasn't coming to the match. I appreciated the company, whatever the reason.

"You excited?" I turned to Killua.

"It's kinda boring without Gon, but I guess so. How come you're all dressed up like the clown though? It's kinda creepy..." He gave me a cat-like side-eye. That little ratbag!

"Creepy? That's so rude! I'll have you know I'm a cheerleader, not a clown."I huffed, crossing my arms.

"Sure you are-" Killua's cringing was cut off by the blaring voice of the announcer over the loudspeaker.
"The wait is over everyone! It's time for the long awaited rematch of Hisoka and Kastro!"
The stadium exploded into cheers as they both made their way into the arena, Hisoka's sly, confident smile never leaving his face.
"Wooo!! C'mon Hisoka!"I hollered, clapping my hands together. He turned to me, having heard my cheering, and gave me a subtle wink, as if to say 'watch me'.

The two fighters squared up, but before the fight began, Kastro thanked Hisoka for beating him last time they fought, and claimed he was strong enough to beat him now.  This caused a stir in the audience, but my faith in Hisoka didn't waver.

"Begin!" The referee declared, raising his hand up. Kastro ran straight for Hisoka, and Hisoka tried to dodge, but the hit somehow landed. I tensed at the sight of blood on Hisoka's face, but he thankfully didn't seem phased. His amused smile only growing up wider.

Hisoka got back to his feet and Kastro launched at him again, landing his second hit. Hisoka sprang back with his hand, and Kastro continued to tail him. It was strange, Hisoka just continued to dodge, not yet making any moves to attack. Kastro seemed to have noticed this too, complaining loudly about it before kicking Hisoka to the ground... a clean knock down. The stadium grew silent for a moment as he lay there.

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