Chapter Ten: A Little Game

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Lucy POV:

The room Hisoka and I had been directed to lay at the end of another dingy corridor. It was small, but not claustrophobic-ly so, and the lack of furniture made it feel less cramped. The only things in the room were a sofa, a speaker, a coffee table, a closed cabinet and some sort of box thing with a glass front.

"Haa, finally a chance to relax!" I stretched my arms and fell back onto the sofa. My muscles were still slightly aching from all the running in phase one, so I hoped the rest of phase two wouldn't be too physical.
Hisoka chuckled at my actions. "You're not planning to fall asleep already, are you?~"

"I mean, what else is there to do in here?" I asked, gesturing around the almost empty room.

"There's a TV" He shrugged and I raised an eyebrow at him.
"A what?"
Whatever he was talking about, it didn't exist back in Earthland. He just gave me a strange look instead of answering my question.

I continued relaxing on the sofa while Hisoka bumbled around the room, looking for some form of entertainment. A few minutes later I heard him mischievously chuckle, closing the cupboard door. Assuming he'd found something, I begrudgingly sat back up. To my dismay, he had a a bottle of vodka in his left hand and some shot glasses in his right. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of examiner would leave alcohol in here?

"Drinking, really?" I rolled my eyes, slightly amused. Hisoka placed the bottle and glasses on the table beside me.
"Oh, but there's nothing else to do~"

Drinking with Hisoka was definitely not something I had ever planned on doing. The guy was already nuts, what would someone like him even be like drunk?! My guess is either incredibly violent or incredibly horny, and I'd rather not see either of those. But who knows, maybe he'd finally chill out for once. A girl can dream.

"It's probably not the best idea to drink in middle of an exam. I don't want to be fighting for my life while having a hangover." I giggled, trying to be the sensible one.

"Come on Lucy~ we're in here for 20 hours, there'll be time to sleep it off. It'll be fun I promise." Hisoka pushed his hands together in a pleading motion. I took another look around the room we were imprisoned in, it was going to be a long 20 hours no matter what i did. My options were limited to either talking to Hisoka or sleeping- or figuring our what that box did.

He did have a point, there really wasn't anything better to do, and the more I thought about it, the more seeing him drunk kinda appealed to me. He wouldn't be able to keep up his whole mysterious magician facade if he was wasted. Maybe I'd be able to find out more about him...

"Hahh, fine then, you better not try anything though." I narrowed my gaze and pointed accusingly at him.

"I wouldn't dream of it~!" Hisoka said, holding his chest in mock offence. He then poured out our first shots.

"So are we gonna play a game with this or just drink?"

"Hmm, a game is far more interesting!~ How about we guess things about each other, and if the guess is right, the other drinks?" He suggested, taking a seat next to me on the sofa. I wasn't sure if I wanted to play a game after the whole truth challenge, but I played along anyway.

"Sounds better than the last game we had to play." I wryly smiled, recalling the uncomfortable questions we were asked. "My first guess is that you want to fight me."

Starting out with an obvious guess was the best route to go. I refused to be the first one to get drunk. I mean, I could handle my alcohol well thanks to hanging out with Cana, but it was better to play it safe.

"That's so obvious though~" Hisoka whined, taking his first shot.
"My turn~ I guess that you've never used a TV before."

"I still have no idea what that is. " I giggled and took my first shot. "I guess...that red isn't your natural hair colour!"

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