Chapter XXXII: Icarus (Part 4)

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Medea found herself wandering through the silent garden of the Imperial Palace, a place steeped in memories both bitter and sweet. The cold wind rustled through the trees, sending a chill down her spine as it tousled her hair. She took a deep breath, the crisp air filling her lungs, and let her gaze settle on the exact spot where she had shared her first dance with Caelus. The memory surged through her mind with an unbidden intensity, like a scene playing out on an endless loop.

Her eyes narrowed tiredly as she tried to push away the wretched feelings that resurfaced. It was a futile effort, for those emotions clung to her like a magnet to steel, refusing to be brushed aside. They were like a permanent marker on her soul, leaving indelible marks that no amount of denial could erase. 

"Meeting you... changed my world."

Medea inhaled deeply once more, furrowing her brows in frustration. She couldn't deny her feelings any longer; they were as real and undeniable as the wind biting at her skin. But this was wrong. Her feelings for Caelus were entirely wrong. She was the Devil, and the Devil shouldn't love. The Devil should not feel compassion or affection. Such emotions were a poison that could weaken her, a vulnerability she could ill afford.

"The one who was supposed to bring darkness into my life has instead brought me light."

The stronger her feelings grew, the more they threatened to break her. She kept reminding herself of her purpose: she was an agent of destruction, not salvation. Her existence in this world was to tempt humans into sin, to lead them astray, and to bring about their downfall. She was not meant to be anyone's savior. If she were to become like the one she despised the most, the Devil would cease to be.

If she were to succumb to these feelings, to become like the one she despised the most, she would be nothing. The Devil would be nothing. 

She knew that these violent delights had violent ends. So why was she questioning her beliefs and principles? Why couldn't she reject her feelings for Caelus?

The garden seemed to mock her turmoil, its serene beauty a stark contrast to the chaos within her. She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms as she struggled to maintain her composure. The memory of that dance, the way Caelus had looked at her, the warmth of his touch—it all felt so real, so painfully real. And yet, it was a reality she could never fully embrace.

She had danced with him under the moonlight, their movements a delicate waltz that had felt like a dream. In that moment, she had allowed herself to forget who she was, to feel like a human, if only for a fleeting instant. But the reality was that she was not human. She was the Devil, and her heart was not meant for love.

The wind picked up, rustling the leaves around her, and she hugged herself against the chill. The memories of Caelus's gentle smile, his kind words, and the way he had made her feel safe—they were all like shards of glass piercing her heart. She had never anticipated that someone like him could stir such emotions within her, emotions that she had believed herself incapable of feeling.

Her feelings for Caelus were a betrayal of her very nature, a weakness she could not afford. Yet, no matter how much she tried to convince herself otherwise, the truth was undeniable. She cared for him. She cared deeply, and that scared her more than anything.

With a heavy sigh, she closed her eyes once more, trying to calm the storm raging inside her. She could not afford to be weak. She could not afford to let these feelings consume her. She had a purpose, a destiny that she could not forsake. But as she stood there, lost in her thoughts, she realized that the more she fought against her feelings, the stronger they seemed to grow.

Medea opened her eyes, her gaze hardening with resolve. She then turned away from the garden, leaving behind the memories and the feelings that threatened to unravel her.

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