Chapter XXXIII: Icarus (Part 5)

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Frederick had always looked up to his older brother, Rezef, with deep admiration. From their earliest days, he had seen Rezef as a role model, a pillar of strength and guidance in his life.

Their childhood was filled with moments that cemented their bond. Rezef had a natural knack for taking care of Frederick whenever he fell ill, and Frederick, in turn, leaned on him for support, finding comfort in his brother's presence.

Despite the looming competition for the throne, Frederick never viewed it as a battleground to undermine his brother. Instead, he saw it as a healthy rivalry, believing that great individuals should have equally great challengers. With this mindset, Frederick swore to surpass Rezef through fair and honorable means, using the competition to better himself and prove his worth.

However, the harmonious relationship they once shared began to show signs of strain after Frederick was named crown prince. Gradually, Rezef started to distance himself, and Frederick was left bewildered, unable to comprehend the growing chasm between them. Initially, he dismissed it as a consequence of their differing responsibilities, but as days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Rezef's behavior became increasingly perplexing.

Rezef's sudden and intense interest in Frederick's role as crown prince was the first clear sign of trouble. He began to interfere with Frederick's duties, often showing up unannounced at important meetings and discussions about the succession. Frederick, ever the optimist, initially welcomed his brother's involvement, thinking it was a gesture of support. But soon, doubts began to creep into his mind. Why was Rezef so fixated on his position? What was driving this newfound obsession?

As the questions mounted, Frederick's unease grew. The turning point came when Rezef's true intentions were laid bare. The brother who had once nursed him back to health, who had been his confidant and protector, had now become his greatest adversary. Rezef's actions weren't merely those of a concerned sibling; they were calculated moves to undermine and ultimately destroy him. 

The realization was like a dagger to Frederick's heart.

"How could you do this, Rezef?" Frederick demanded, his voice trembling with a mixture of anger and hurt. "We were supposed to support each other. You were my hero. What happened to you?"

Rezef's eyes, once filled with brotherly affection, were now cold and calculating. "It's not about what happened to me, Frederick," he replied, his tone devoid of the warmth it once held. "It's about what needs to be done. The throne is not just a symbol of power; it's a burden, a responsibility I can't trust anyone else to bear, not even you."

Frederick's heart ached at the words. The betrayal was like a dagger to his chest. "I thought we were in this together," he whispered, struggling to hold back tears. "I thought we were brothers first, before anything else."

Rezef's expression hardened, showing no sign of remorse. "Brotherhood means nothing if it stands in the way of what's necessary. You're too naive to understand that."

He gazed at his brother with a mixture of sorrow and longing, the weight of their fractured relationship pressing heavily on his heart. The memories of their childhood played in his mind like an old, cherished film—days filled with laughter, shared secrets, and an unbreakable bond. With a deep sigh, he finally broke the silence, his voice tinged with a profound sadness.

"Rezef, do you ever think back to when we were kids?" Frederick began, his tone soft yet laden with emotion. "There are times I wish we had never grown up, never been thrust into the roles and responsibilities that have driven this wedge between us. Back then, we understood each other so well. We were more than brothers; we were best friends."

Rezef's expression remained stoic, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes—perhaps a distant memory or a buried emotion struggling to surface.

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