Chapter XXXVIII: Nostradamus

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The two made their way to the nearby study room, each step echoing with a sense of purpose and urgency. As they entered, Caelus carefully closed the door behind them and locked it, ensuring no one could intrude upon their secretive study session. 

The significance of the artifact they were about to examine, the Book of Revelation, demanded the utmost discretion. This ancient tome was a guarded treasure, its contents shrouded in mystery and meant for the eyes of only a select few.

Caelus, ever the gentleman, pulled out a chair for Medea to sit. She took her seat with a grateful nod, and he positioned himself across from her, the table between them serving as the stage for the revelation that was about to unfold. 

Placing the book gently on the table, Caelus began to open it slowly. As the cover lifted, a brilliant light emanated from the pages, causing both of them to squint against the sudden brightness.

For a moment, the room was filled with an ethereal glow, and then, as abruptly as it had appeared, the light faded. The book's contents revealed themselves: glowing words inscribed on cream-colored paper. Medea leaned forward, her curiosity piqued and narrowed her eyes to read the words written on the front page. 

"Nostradamus," she murmured, blinking in surprise at the unfamiliar name. She turned her gaze to Caelus, a question forming in her eyes.

"Now, I remember," Caelus said, breaking the silence. "The author of this book was Nostradamus." He took a deep breath, flipping the page gently. "He's the one who predicted what would happen in the future. But how did he know about events that occurred after the Empire was established?"

Medea furrowed her brows, crossing her arms thoughtfully. "So, he's the one who... predicted the future? But how could he foresee events that happened after the Empire's creation?" she asked, her voice filled with skepticism.

"We will see," Caelus replied, his eyes scanning the next page. The two leaned in closer, reading the foreword that Nostradamus had penned. The foreword explained that the Book of Revelation contained records of all events in the world, both past and future. 

Nostradamus claimed that through his dreams and the alignment of the stars, he was able to see everything. This book, he wrote, provided a comprehensive account of the world's history, from its creation to its ultimate destruction.

They continued reading, their eyes following the flowing script that seemed to pulse with a life of its own. The final lines of the foreword resonated deeply: "No one can defy destiny, and no one can change the predetermined future, whether it be an individual's fate or that of the world. What has happened cannot be altered. Therefore, all that remains is for people to reminisce and ponder how things might have been different under other circumstances." 

The words felt like an eternal curse, reminding humanity of the inevitability of fate and the futility of regret.

Caelus turned another page, revealing the first paragraph of the book's main text. It recounted the creation of the Empire, just as Vincentius had told Medea. The Great Divine Deity had elevated their beloved child from among humanity to become the founder of the Falaguerras and the ruler of the Empire. Under this Emperor's wise and benevolent rule, the land prospered, fulfilling the Deity's expectations. 

In gratitude, the Deity bestowed upon the Emperor a holy sword. However, the narrative soon took a darker turn. Despite the Emperor's wise and prosperous reign, a mysterious entity appeared, shattering the peace. This entity, initially formless and surrounded by darkness, was filled with omnipotent energy. 

It manifested while the Emperor was resting in the Palace's garden. To the Emperor, this being, when it finally took on a visible form, appeared as the most beautiful entity he had ever seen. Yet, this creature was none other than the fallen angel, the bright Morningstar, created by the Deity itself. 

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